Don't panic

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With 4.2 tomorrow me and fisher won't be around much during next week. But we will start playing again the week after most likely.

Yes horde, that means you can queue BGs for 1 week ish without having to worry about AFKing.
Seleyzor said:
having to worry about AFKing.

Today teh most werid thing happend. I was in a bg on my 10 twink and saw a leveler from WaW tawent. They lost and he didnt afk. It was a XMAS mircale.
Mehcritkillu said:

useless thread is useless

You care enough to youtube something and then make a post <3 You will have 1 week where you can stop getting killed by Rance , enjoy it !

o btw thank you for bumping a useless thread ( thats a really smart move on your part ... I wasn't expecting anything less fom you )

and omg PLEASE ... STOP FUSSING , I will get you an other binky if thats what you really need
Seleyzor said:
You care enough to youtube something and then make a post <3 You will have week where you can stop getting killed by Rance , enjoy it !

o btw thank you for bumping a useless thread ( thats a really smart move on your part ... I wasn't expecting anything less fom you )

and omg PLEASE ... STOP FUSSING , I will get you an other binky if thats what you really need

Dude, I don't even play US.
He is just a fussy baby , it's okay he got mad when I made my troll thread and got really into it. He is just butthurt since that day

o and watch him give a an other BUMP to this ' useless thread ' such a smart kid

edit- you really need to start reading in between the line and stop getting mad all the time , this thread is pretty much saying that with 4.2 going live tomorrow we are going to be busy on our main and probably won't be around much for the next few days. And I beleive it will the same for many other twinks, they are welcome to post here if they will be MIA from the twink bracket for a bit.

Sorry if I try to make thread interesting instead of just posting boring stuff on the forum and linking youtube video that everyone has seen a billion time.
twinking's prime died 4 years ago and you're bragging about being good in 2011.

where did I say I was good ?

Twinking prime never existed, though its kind of sad that you though it did.

Bragging about skill in a video game is pretty sad, bragging in a game about something irrevelant like 19s twink is even more sad.

My trolling must be working I guess.
to be fair, i saw you guys like maybe 3 times in the past month and a half? not worried and i think we split games 2/1.
eh, probably over exaggerating the time. definitely rance and pocket priest.
Mehcritkillu said:
I comment alot of threads. I don't care wheather it's US or not, it's still the 19-bracket.

your sig is incorrect m8 :< theres some other female orc rogue lollling about, the name escapes me though.. some 3 syllable deal i think?
insert dramatic comment here also you lost the game
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