I would swap helmet for the engineering goggles, get the quest gloves and waist since you are 102 secondary stats are not of that high value anymore. I would also aim to get more critt, a big part in getting havoc gameplay to feel fluid is to get consistent critts on chaos blade. I would use blood let over first blood and most of the time fel mastery over blind fury.
... anymore.I dont know why I listened to you, you don't even have a 102.
Well, farming NL as vengeance was really bad. My health pool wasn't high enough, and I couldnt keep up with the damage the mobs were doing to me with healing. This is my main concern as I wanted to farm things like NH trash and MoP raids later, and I needed to go vengeance for those things. To be fair, I haven't gotten my golden trait yet, but I dont know how much of a diff that would make.... anymore.
Played a DH at 102 right after legion hit and kept on playing since. Created my 2nd 102 6 weeks ago.
Since legion I've played 4 101 dhs (2x havoc, 2x vengeance), 2 102 dhs and 2 110 dhs. And if I tell you that they perform stronger at 102 than 101 in all situations (except havoc for movement speed) than you can believe me.
Why I don't play him anymore? Because I've played demon hunters so much and I wanted to concentrate on 1 twink for now, so I chose to play my mage. That's it.
You still haven't told us why you regret leveling him up and why he "sucks" at 102 in comparison to 101 in your opinion. You are obviously doing something wrong.
Looked at your toon ... go with Felblade / Demon Blades for almost all situations. Normally you take Bloodlet for the 3rd row, but First Blood is okay here and there. Blind Fury without Demonic doesn't work and you don't have the Eyebeam Trait from your Artifact on top of that (because both other Golden Traits are way stronger).
If you really wanna discuss 101<>102 then try to give us examples where you struggle now and haven't before. (Which should never be the case)
Well, farming NL as vengeance was really bad. My health pool wasn't high enough, and I couldnt keep up with the damage the mobs were doing to me with healing. This is my main concern as I wanted to farm things like NH trash and MoP raids later, and I needed to go vengeance for those things. To be fair, I haven't gotten my golden trait yet, but I dont know how much of a diff that would make.
How did you get a mythic soul capacitator, did you have to get a run with a 110?I have absolutely 0 problem farming NL as Vengeance at 101, I got my SECOND golden trait with it with a week ish of grinding.
NH = Night Hold? are you sure you can do that as a twink? wouldn't you need 110 to enter? and they wouldn't scale so they would be 110?
MoP raids you will be absolutely fine on anything really, I was soloing SoO on a non twinked DK*in frost* in attempt to farm the Shoulder transmog from Garrosh.
Also feel free to PM your Btag if Alliance/US and I'll show you my twinks.
Discontinued 101 Veng DH - http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/proudmoore/Rw/advanced
How did you get a mythic soul capacitator, did you have to get a run with a 110?
I had no problems farming any legion dungeons. As Vengeance you can pull almost everything and bomb away. As Havoc your pulls are a bit smaller but faster in comparison.Well, farming NL as vengeance was really bad. My health pool wasn't high enough, and I couldnt keep up with the damage the mobs were doing to me with healing. This is my main concern as I wanted to farm things like NH trash and MoP raids later, and I needed to go vengeance for those things. To be fair, I haven't gotten my golden trait yet, but I dont know how much of a diff that would make.
You have a lot of options for good trinkets. 1st one is the 680 / 690 with ~2k agi proc from your starter zone. You can buy a stone of elements 715 and upgrade to 725 which is very good. You can buy a 715 / 725 prophecy tarot at ah. Solo Kazzak each week for the leech and the stat trinkets. With your gear you can solo him without any issues. Or solo mythic draenor dungeons for trinkets, even the quest trinkets from legion are okay to start with. And if you wanna get into hellfire there are always groups for transmog farm and stuff which you can join.How did you get a mythic soul capacitator, did you have to get a run with a 110?
can i see your armoryYou have a lot of options for good trinkets. 1st one is the 680 / 690 with ~2k agi proc from your starter zone. You can buy a stone of elements 715 and upgrade to 725 which is very good. You can buy a 715 / 725 prophecy tarot at ah. Solo Kazzak each week for the leech and the stat trinkets. With your gear you can solo him without any issues. Or solo mythic draenor dungeons for trinkets, even the quest trinkets from legion are okay to start with. And if you wanna get into hellfire there are always groups for transmog farm and stuff which you can join.
No. Not because I am rude but because I always delete the toons I don't play.can i see your armory