Maybe maybe not get a good GM they mightDont make the same mistake as I did... I dropped half my entire gold amount into a 102 DH, which turned out to suck ballsacks.
I dont know what to do, do u think blizz will delevel me if i ask?
Then why did that bafoon explain to me that 102 is a lot better than 101 on the thread I made?I think most people already know that.
Sorry to hear man, I wish you luck on your GM request!
yeahI said most because that's what I meant.
Did you get your second artifact?
He wasn't a bafoon, he was right. DH at 102 is better than at 101. Don't know what you are talking about.Then why did that bafoon explain to me that 102 is a lot better than 101 on the thread I made?
I dont know why I listened to you, you don't even have a 102.He wasn't a bafoon, he was right. DH at 102 is better than at 101. Don't know what you are talking about.
I do have a 102, hell, my brother has a 102 demon hunter. DH is basically required to be 102 to even be viable, because of the extra talent you get. 102 isn't terrible for other classes either, because of the choice of specs, but for the most part 101 is far superior.I dont know why I listened to you, you don't even have a 102.
I personally didn't level to 102 because I have no use for a Havoc DH as I have various other DPS specced twinks, I also doubt an extra ability will make up for the secondary reduction from leveling to 102 since you aren't really waiting around to use abilities (Atleast for Veng, can't speak for Havoc).
Edit: 102 Talents, Felblade = less damage than Shear & has CD, Flame Crash absolute waste of a talent since you can macro both together, Fel Eruption 10pain/30 sec CD = damage to Soul Cleave 30-60 pain no CD & is AoE.
Called it, why you no listen?
Well, for one, your post was misleading. You don't take Felblade for its damage, you take it for its pain generation (= more Soul Cleaves). And Flame Crash gives two free extra flame sigils off the gcd.