done with 19s

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lock thread plase was just frustrated also any 1 have suggestions for a cloth geard 19 that would use walking boots and mindthrusts on?
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3 days after making a thread about forming a premade team along with several other pointless threads you quit the bracket and make sure you let everyone know about it? lolok

ok bud, first calm down, no need to get worked up over a game, second its hard to deal with more veteran players on the horde, they group que constantly and constantly roll with solid comps or they dont roll at all......with that said alliance tends to get alot more players that play for the fun of the game, not just winning. So in the end of it all it seems like alliance always loses, but if you can endure, meet people and grow to the point of knowing your class inside and out at the same time building relationships with people, not just fellow gamers but to the point of you actually trusting them to know you, know how you play know how you act and they are the same way with you.....then you will start to win also......haha but thats asking wayyyy to much
wont be playing 19s anymore so one sided u have to faction change to win a game BYE have fun with the bracket killer

Sweet, saves us the trouble of AFKing you out. :)
making a thread about this kind of issue is only embarrassing and achieves nothing.

if you sincerely quit 19s, do it without making a scene otherwise you look like you're doing it for attention. GL in w/e you plan to do with you free time.
maybe everyone should just get better and not complain about being fucked by the opposing side, im sure if u were in the same position of "skill" u would roll each game playing versus people that can barley click a mouse,
or maybe roll a usefull class
maybe everyone should just get better and not complain about being fucked by the opposing side, im sure if u were in the same position of "skill" u would roll each game playing versus people that can barley click a mouse,
or maybe roll a usefull class

Can't blame him though. I went through so many games today and only won one game.
Not gonna give up yet though, I gotta make sure Ret Pallies are viable enough to stay in the bracket.
that's pretty much twink life story people try to kill competiton instead of have it its cus twinks r creatures of ego get over it and quit already nerd
dude i mean the fact that pizzz plays this game way 2 much is about as much of a factor as his atrocious play in the gulche
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