Doing Rbgs right Now <Skey Gaming>o!


title says it all , gogo !
I'v said this about 10 times already, please stop posting threads who look like :

Queue 5's now !

Queue Battlegrounds now !

Queue Rated Battlegrounds now !

If you do so, do not expect a lot of result.

Instead, try to be smart and give people at least a day warning with a thread on here, that should give several people a chance to at least gather a group and fight against you !
just shut up nesyla like i give a fuck about what you say
Being polite when someone is actually trying to help you get a better and more challenging queue is something you might want to consider as well, instead of just replying like if i insulted you.
Taylor and Cammael should stop hating eachother and start hating borö, it was him who disbanded the guild over a petti argument.
Skey gaming will not last either its a guild that was just rushed to get members in, hardly any of them are good and I'm not here to troll or anything saying there members are bad but I'm just stating a fact. Not even got a proper RBG team and your trying to rush RBG to get 'known' when your just going to make your guild look bad, some of the people you we're running with yesterday will literally just give other teams a free win against you. I'm talking about people (no names) that can't control 2-4 targets at once as a mage which is just easy, Skey will be gone in 2 months max and that's being generous.

I'm talking about PvP wise btw, they might stay around PvE wise but I mean no offence to all you PvE players but I'm sure you can agree there's no challenge for PvE at 70 I mean BtS 10man'd SWP if I'm right? So people taking PvE seriously should just go play level eighty five imho, so I really don't see that counting towards the guild in keeping them alive. Esp with taylor just rages 24/7 on ventrilo when we're doing a boss that anyone with half a brain can complete, it doesn't give his players a good image. I just want to see them lose rated battlegrounds so people just nerd rage quit or taylor disbands the guild, I mean they could 'last' if they started getting proper members in and not settling for anyone just to make members alot like I did with Sanity.

I will admit that every single member part from maybe four we're totally bad in Sanity and that is because I just wanted to get members to start RBG, which is what Skey is doing at the moment most of them are just bad. All I'm saying is if your thinking about xfering here for this guild or joining it - Do not waste your money, it will be gone within 2 months max and as I said thats being generous.
Thinking about xfering here for this guild or joining it - Do not waste your money.

Not going to quote the whole part even tough i completely agree and it's sad to remnd it, but i said this the day the guild came, even tough i wished Skey Gaming the best of luck.

This said, Frostwhisper is a real bad server and anyone saying that it's the "ultimate" twink server has completely lost his mind.

The server is fractioned in 10 or so small guilds who hardly manage to get anything proper achieved, i was one of the tanks when we 10 manned Sunwell Plateau, it was fun yes, but far from challenging, we managed to kill most of the bosses at our second or tird try which can not be called an " achievement ". This said i would have kept running it weekly cause it was at least more fun than being boosted in 20 minutes by a group of 85's. Sadly Jack passed leadership to sparkly, for whom i feel no hate at all, he just had a different conception of what he wanted his guild to be, i tried to warn him that he would have killed Born To Survive by doing so, he did not care or wanted to believe me, and the guild died.

Than we had a second " Iddqd " who was a bad imitation of what Born To Survive used to be, and Boro disbanding it over a small arguement i had with Taylor was just the excuse, he did not feel like staring all over again and i completely understand it.

However, i spent 180 euro transfering 4 toons to frostwhisper and away from the server, which sort off annoyed me, my suggestion to every player that is joining a new born guild and not an estalished one is :

Bare in mind you have a 50 % chance of throwing money out of the window, it is more wise to make a new toon ( perhaps a class you wanted to level but never had the time ? ) this way you contribute to the guild but at the same time you take no real life money risk, if the guild is succesfull and i wish you so, at that point, and just than, you transfer your " main " twink.

That is my suggestion to prevent you from spending a quite considerable high ammount of money as 180 euro ( 245 $ ) are.
haha seriously nesyla? were clearing Swp / Bt every week , 20+ members online daily at once and people show up for calender tournys etc you got it all wrong

and seablue is just trying to ruin the guild becouse he trolls so much he got owned by getting kicked
haha seriously nesyla? were clearing Swp / Bt every week , 20+ members online daily at once and people show up for calender tournys etc you got it all wrong

and seablue is just trying to ruin the guild becouse he trolls so much he got owned by getting kicked

Yeah Taylor " seriously ".
stop being so Angry Nerdcore on Boro disbanding holy shit , arent you supposed to post constructive shit as community "Leader"
stop being so Angry Nerdcore on Boro disbanding holy shit , arent you supposed to post constructive shit as community "Leader"

Why was it not constructive? he was just sharing some exp of transfering and helping the community by implying that people shouldn't waste money to transfer to a new guild inless they know its solid? I don't think it was a troll or a insult in anyway.
Skey gaming will not last either its a guild that was just rushed to get members in, hardly any of them are good and I'm not here to troll or anything saying there members are bad but I'm just stating a fact. Not even got a proper RBG team and your trying to rush RBG to get 'known' when your just going to make your guild look bad, some of the people you we're running with yesterday will literally just give other teams a free win against you. I'm talking about people (no names) that can't control 2-4 targets at once as a mage which is just easy, Skey will be gone in 2 months max and that's being generous.

I'm talking about PvP wise btw, they might stay around PvE wise but I mean no offence to all you PvE players but I'm sure you can agree there's no challenge for PvE at 70 I mean BtS 10man'd SWP if I'm right? So people taking PvE seriously should just go play level eighty five imho, so I really don't see that counting towards the guild in keeping them alive. Esp with taylor just rages 24/7 on ventrilo when we're doing a boss that anyone with half a brain can complete, it doesn't give his players a good image. I just want to see them lose rated battlegrounds so people just nerd rage quit or taylor disbands the guild, I mean they could 'last' if they started getting proper members in and not settling for anyone just to make members alot like I did with Sanity.

I will admit that every single member part from maybe four we're totally bad in Sanity and that is because I just wanted to get members to start RBG, which is what Skey is doing at the moment most of them are just bad. All I'm saying is if your thinking about xfering here for this guild or joining it - Do not waste your money, it will be gone within 2 months max and as I said thats being generous.

how am i rushing rbgs , we went with 8/10 from Bts's Rbgs get a clue man please stop trying to make my guild look bad , you troll in general 24/7 noone should be joining guild and come on ventrilo spamming random sounds etc , then calling us the immature ones in about almost every thread originally made by me .

i dont have a grudge against nesyla but he is trolling by having no idea how much succes Skey Gaming is having right now , Anyways i wish you good luck wherever you xferred to camael hope you go back to the old camael and seablue try being more mature then a 16 year old kid trying to have some fun making a serious 70 guild while your trying to steal members spamming them its shit guild .

peace //
how am i rushing rbgs , we went with 8/10 from Bts's Rbgs get a clue man please stop trying to make my guild look bad , you troll in general 24/7 noone should be joining guild and come on ventrilo spamming random sounds etc , then calling us the immature ones in about almost every thread originally made by me .

i dont have a grudge against nesyla but he is trolling by having no idea how much succes Skey Gaming is having right now , Anyways i wish you good luck wherever you xferred to camael hope you go back to the old camael and seablue try being more mature then a 16 year old kid trying to have some fun making a serious 70 guild while your trying to steal members spamming them its shit guild .

peace //


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