EU+US Does blizzard ever think before they add something?

No one taking your money by force. You not in a position to demand anything since you agree on blizzards tos in order to use it. You paying money for offered service. You or me as individuals or our stand on things do not matter to company.

That's a pretty arrogant position to take toward paying customers, without which you wouldn't have an "offered service". If the product changes to a point where the customer isn't happy, they have every right to demand better or take their business elsewhere.

I'd say you have it somewhat ass-backwards.

"He who pays the piper calls the tune."
I'd say you have it somewhat ass-backwards.
If millions of players stop paying, sure they will care about the thing that led to it.
If one or 100 players stop paying because they cant rape newbes anymore, they will not.

Some like legion changes and some dont. regardless, a multimillion dollar company will not care about margin error.

Think of it like this.

There's currently 121 people on this forum right now (safe to say anyone viewing this forum is probably a twink) let's do a little math and assume that 70% of these people play the game JUST to twink and they would pay an active subscription provided the game was how it used to be.

70%/121 = 84
84x15 = 1270
1270x12 = 15246$ a year.

That's pretty insane that they COULD be making WAY more then 15,000 dollars a year off people who don't give a single piss about end game content. Remember these numbers are based off of CURRENT users on the forum, if I took just 50% of the users who've actively viewed this forum per month basis and made this same assumption the numbers would be insane.

Don't say blizzard doesn't care about a community generating this much money for them, because they do they're not moronic. But unlike many other high-end companies for gaming blizzard lacks the ability to listen to their community. It's been this way with all of blizzards games. We're ignorant to think that it will change based on a couple squeaks in the crowd from some randies on a forum.
Im almost absolutely sure I made more $$$ worth of new players quit from 10-19 gy farming than I ever paid to blizz. Nothing like joining a game youve been hearing about for years only to get griefed non stop.

Im kind of neutral to the whole bracket merger gear change.
If millions of players stop paying, sure they will care about the thing that led to it.
If one or 100 players stop paying because they cant rape newbes anymore, they will not.

Some like legion changes and some dont. regardless, a multimillion dollar company will not care about margin error.

That's a lot different than what you first said. Also it may not matter so much on just raw numbers, since Rated PvP doesn't have the people like other parts of the game yet Rated's been losing players in droves this season. Participation is down to about half of MoP 1st season levels for various reasons (mostly Blizzes doing) and already they've changed the rewards in PvP in 7.1 - though it's was just tossing scraps and PvP is still a mess mainly due to the gearing/ilvl system and RNG.
That's a lot different than what you first said. Also it may not matter so much on just raw numbers, since Rated PvP doesn't have the people like other parts of the game yet Rated's been losing players in droves this season. Participation is down to about half of MoP 1st season levels for various reasons (mostly Blizzes doing) and already they've changed the rewards in PvP in 7.1 - though it's was just tossing scraps and PvP is still a mess mainly due to the gearing/ilvl system and RNG.

It may differ but follows same pattern. at least when i read it.
No one can stop ppl go around speaking up the feels. Democracy yo.
However you cant play game without agreeing to pay for it (thus supporting the path dev team takes)

Point was that blizzard as a company will not care about single player or even selected mass because they are not in a position to change game.

Don't wanna link video in every post but this guy gets it.


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