Does anybody else feel sick..

.. when reading the shit that some of the people write in this F2P forum, and even in game..?

It honestly makes me feel physically sick reading the crap people spew out. This F2P bracket is essentially the last source of XP-Off PvP in the game, and what COULD be a thriving, growing, positive community that offers positive experience for players (like us) who choose to play in this bracket.

The flood of trolls, FoTM randoms, people seeking to stretch their ePeen, and just dicks in general is becoming ridiculous, I know you can expect this almost anywhere in the game, but it's becoming more and more obvious in this bracket.

To start, people using the excuse 'omg its twinking ur supposed to roll the most OP class race and faction to steemrawl every1 else #1fotm bb' - This is NOT a 'twink' bracket in the traditional sense of the word. Twinking was when people decided to stop gaining experience, gear up, and stay at the top of a bracket and roll people who were just PASSING THROUGH in levelling gear. This 'twinking' died out when they made xp off a seperate bracket in its own.

What the F2P bracket SHOULD, and CAN be, is a low level/free/endgame bracket, if that makes any sense. 20 is the cap for F2P, just as 90 is the cap for P2P, everyone is the same level, and everyone is working towards gearing to the teeth.

Anyways, I've lost my train of thought, this was supposed to be a short post, so ill get to it. FoTM spammers, trolls, elitists, and just dicks in general are ruining this bracket. What could be a great experience for the many is being tainted, and brought down by the few (though their numbers are growing). What I would like to ask, of anyone who sincerely cares about the bracket, is to be more friendly, helpful, play objectively, respect your opponents, forget your ePeen, help grow the bracket, turn it into a positive experience for everyone, and though I can't tell you what to do, please, just stop rolling the most OP FoTM class, it gets old having 50% of the games I play made up of the FoTM.. There's a lot of people of there, that I want to give s /salute for showing THEIR classes love, regardless of what flavor the month has to offer.


I'm sure I have forgotten a lot of people, you know who you are, and to those who's class or spec becomes FoTM, I am sorry..
There's people like that outside your front door. You don't let them poison your way of life, so why should you let the people who take part in your hobby poison it?

It's all about perspective.

I don't care what class anyone plays, or let what anyone says in battlegrounds effect me. All I ask for is that people give their best. Take some pride in everything you do, regardless of how insignificant you or anyone else might think it is. If it's worth your time, it's worth your effort. Don't let people influence how you feel about the way you spend your time and effort.

If you do, maybe you aren't doing something you enjoy and would be better suited elsewhere.
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There's people like that outside your front door. You don't let them poison your way of life, so why should you let the people who take part in your hobby poison it?

It's all about perspective.

I don't care what class anyone plays, or let what anyone says in battlegrounds effect me. All I ask for is that people give their best. Take some pride in everything you do, regardless of how insignificant you or anyone else might think it is. If it's worth your time, it's worth your effort. Don't let people influence how you feel about the way to spend your time and effort.

If you do, maybe you aren't doing something you enjoy and would be better suited elsewhere.

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I don't folllow? However if you have a problem with me, the way I post or the frequency at which I post, you're more than welcome to discuss it with me privately. If I've offended you or breached the forum code of conduct, please report me.

I'm sorry if you feel I've done anything to cause you to single me out, it was not my intention.
Getting criticized for being social on forums primarily used for social networking.

Yeah, I guess I'm starting to feel a little sick
What's dis guy's problem with trolls? Are you just jealous of our tusks? My goodness! What have da trolls ever done to you mon? You come get da voodoo!

Spot on with the fotms though. Vent. Let it all out. It's healthy :D

Nothing we can do about this sort of thing except do as you said: be friendly, be helpful. Run noobies/rerolls through dungeons. Encourage our fellow players to take up the challenge of the underplayed or unfamiliar spec. Show them the joy of that challenge, and the satisfaction of the playing at the top of their game while at the bottom of the bracket. Some people will get it, some won't. That's ok. If we keep playing and helping each other, eventually people will respond in kind, or leave.

Some people use toxic language (here I'm thinking of homophobic folk who insist on calling things "gay" or people "fags") or they try to force their view of a situation as objective reality. To those sort of people, we try to be even nicer. Asking them to just have fun, or try to play without that "stuff". When winning and losing are part of an equation, people get frustrated or angry. That's fine. But we should all be there for each other to say it's just a game, to enjoy yourself, and that you don't need to bring other people down. Even angry people eventually calm down. And not many people WANT to be an asshole. I think the best we can do is provide them with a community of nice folk who would love to play and make them feel like they can belong and have fun.

The game can be different things to different people. I'm on PvP servers, so I can fight anytime I want. But for a lot of people in the f2p community (most of whom likely have no idea we exist) who live on PvE realms, WSG or AB might be their only chance to have some fighting fun. That's why I've stopped having such a strong reaction to midtards. It's still going to suck for those of us who are interested in "winning", who are playing objectives. And we should still give a shout once or twice! :D

But you know what? I can't really hold it against the others too much. They either don't know better, or enjoy the Braveheartesque clash of armies in mid more than capping/holding flags. Who am I to say what's fun for them So let it be. Just makes a better challenge for those of us who play objectives :D

As for forum trolls... I bet most of the people here are nice, they just suck at getting sarcasm across in writing :p
Also, you're not sick, you're annoyed :)
/salute to the NON FOTMS still showing THEIR classes love regardless what flavor the month has to offer
I don't folllow? However if you have a problem with me, the way I post or the frequency at which I post, you're more than welcome to discuss it with me privately. If I've offended you or breached the forum code of conduct, please report me.

I'm sorry if you feel I've done anything to cause you to single me out, it was not my intention.

i don't have a problem, it's just you post a lot of shite tbh. and that's my opinion, so like you said yesterday, it can't be wrong... cuz op-in-ion by definition can not be wrong.... bla bla bla and some other crap.

o/ hi i'm saint. whalecum to TI.
What do you expect from the kind of scumbags willing to waste their lives constantly sitting in front of a computer playing this repetitive crappy game? You're dealing with some of the worst people in the world here.

So... anyone who knows me at all will be able to attest that for years, my primary interest has been the overall health of the TI/F2P community, above concerns of personal gain or of any small clique of friends. I feel like I've made friends, and have been on the usual ups and downs with them, but the general way we as a whole conduct ourselves both in-game and on these forums has, for me, always been the clearest indicator of who we are, and whom we aim to attract or repulse.

And while I certainly have seen the community have its share of strife in the past, it was usually over someone or something specific, that was causing unrest or division among us, etc. Usually the constant threat and pressure of the encroaching 24s would bring us back to a cohesive group, though, and we'd unite like any average family against "them".

Nowadays that there isn't as much of a threat from "them", there is less of a sense of "us", and I'm seeing it start to fracture us. People's instinct is to divide into "us" and "them"--it's human nature. Now though, that "us" seems to come in the form of small cliques. Some are based on server identity, which I have no problem with, and some are based on friendships people have formed. I don't consider myself an outsider to any of these cliques, as I'm friends, by and large, with everyone across the spectrum, but nor am I a core part of any of these cliques, and thus I maintain the perspective to be able to see what they are doing to the community.

In short, there are a number of people who used to be looked to as leaders and contributors who seem to do little more than insult and belittle. And not against me personally, lest anyone thinks that this is just me complaining about some treatment I'm getting; I'm not. No one really messes with me too hard. But I'm seeing good people messing with other good people just because they are "them" and not "us", by some arbitrarily-defined distinction.

It really ought to stop. I know some folks think either that they are tough, or that the bracket is tough and people ought to toughen up, or some other fiction like that, but the very bottom line is that we're all a bunch of mooks sitting at a computer playing a game, or typing on a message board talking about a game, and not a god-damn-one of us has any latitude to be a dick to another. When I see someone I don't know doing it to someone else, I dismiss that person in my head. When I see someone I DO know doing it to someone else, I shake my head and I am dismayed for how far the once mighty have fallen.

Far too often are we seeing posts about how noobs are ruining the game, or how someone is deserving of scorn and ridicule because their ideas, their opinions, or even their writing style is too different from "us". That sort of division serves no one, and drives away good people. To those that complain about noobs bringing down their experience, you'd do well to remember that good and talented people leave our ranks all the time, and if YOU don't do something to help bring up the next group of wunderkind to fill those spots, then YOU are part of the problem.

And to those of you whom I would call friends, but whom I see ridiculing and insulting and pushing down newer people or people with whom you disagree, I urge you to stop it. You're hurting the bracket and making it weaker. You have no leg to stand on talking about how the bracket is going down the toilet when you're one of the ones jiggling the handle.

Be helpful. Be constructive. And I don't mean in that ass-backwards way of "well I'm just toughening the new guys up because life/the game/this bracket is hard, and they need to get used to it. Bullshit. That's a bully's excuse, and I'm tired of seeing it. Antisocial people will find ways of justifying their antisocial behavior, and the rest of us should be calling them out on it. If the game or this bracket is hard, it's only because people like that make it so. This bracket could just as easily have a reputation of being the most helpful, friendly, supportive, and fun bracket in the game.

You know, the way it used to be. When we were kings, and our names meant something.

Let's just try having that again.

So... anyone who knows me at all will be able to attest that for years, my primary interest has been the overall health of the TI/F2P community, above concerns of personal gain or of any small clique of friends. I feel like I've made friends, and have been on the usual ups and downs with them, but the general way we as a whole conduct ourselves both in-game and on these forums has, for me, always been the clearest indicator of who we are, and whom we aim to attract or repulse.

And while I certainly have seen the community have its share of strife in the past, it was usually over someone or something specific, that was causing unrest or division among us, etc. Usually the constant threat and pressure of the encroaching 24s would bring us back to a cohesive group, though, and we'd unite like any average family against "them".

Nowadays that there isn't as much of a threat from "them", there is less of a sense of "us", and I'm seeing it start to fracture us. People's instinct is to divide into "us" and "them"--it's human nature. Now though, that "us" seems to come in the form of small cliques. Some are based on server identity, which I have no problem with, and some are based on friendships people have formed. I don't consider myself an outsider to any of these cliques, as I'm friends, by and large, with everyone across the spectrum, but nor am I a core part of any of these cliques, and thus I maintain the perspective to be able to see what they are doing to the community.

In short, there are a number of people who used to be looked to as leaders and contributors who seem to do little more than insult and belittle. And not against me personally, lest anyone thinks that this is just me complaining about some treatment I'm getting; I'm not. No one really messes with me too hard. But I'm seeing good people messing with other good people just because they are "them" and not "us", by some arbitrarily-defined distinction.

It really ought to stop. I know some folks think either that they are tough, or that the bracket is tough and people ought to toughen up, or some other fiction like that, but the very bottom line is that we're all a bunch of mooks sitting at a computer playing a game, or typing on a message board talking about a game, and not a god-damn-one of us has any latitude to be a dick to another. When I see someone I don't know doing it to someone else, I dismiss that person in my head. When I see someone I DO know doing it to someone else, I shake my head and I am dismayed for how far the once mighty have fallen.

Far too often are we seeing posts about how noobs are ruining the game, or how someone is deserving of scorn and ridicule because their ideas, their opinions, or even their writing style is too different from "us". That sort of division serves no one, and drives away good people. To those that complain about noobs bringing down their experience, you'd do well to remember that good and talented people leave our ranks all the time, and if YOU don't do something to help bring up the next group of wunderkind to fill those spots, then YOU are part of the problem.

And to those of you whom I would call friends, but whom I see ridiculing and insulting and pushing down newer people or people with whom you disagree, I urge you to stop it. You're hurting the bracket and making it weaker. You have no leg to stand on talking about how the bracket is going down the toilet when you're one of the ones jiggling the handle.

Be helpful. Be constructive. And I don't mean in that ass-backwards way of "well I'm just toughening the new guys up because life/the game/this bracket is hard, and they need to get used to it. Bullshit. That's a bully's excuse, and I'm tired of seeing it. Antisocial people will find ways of justifying their antisocial behavior, and the rest of us should be calling them out on it. If the game or this bracket is hard, it's only because people like that make it so. This bracket could just as easily have a reputation of being the most helpful, friendly, supportive, and fun bracket in the game.

You know, the way it used to be. When we were kings, and our names meant something.

Let's just try having that again.

well said, white knight ;)
I feel like i dont contribute enough, although I live on a lonely server in "khaz goroth" by myself.
so lonely :(

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