Dodge DR

Does the DR for dodge reset just like the DR with sheep or fear? If you run away and are not hit for 15 sec can you come back and have a better chance to dodge?
Grabco said:
Does the DR for dodge reset just like the DR with sheep or fear? If you run away and are not hit for 15 sec can you come back and have a better chance to dodge?

yes it does, it also doesnt share a DR with block or parry :D

Dodge, parry, and miss are subject to diminishing returns. When you determine how much dodge/parry/miss you gain from rating or defense, it must be converted into the diminished amount. The diminished amount is what is added to your dodge/parry/miss chance.

Diminishing returns on avoidance do not work like diminishing returns on stuns! There's a common belief that if you avoid an attack, your chance to avoid subsequent attacks is reduced. This is not true - read on!
Rayu said:

yeah but I think parry recently got buffed to be equal to dodge, that thread link was written in 2008. I think the math is different now.

gr1pp said:
I REALLY hope this isn't a serious topic.

I am 100% serious, there have been many changes to dodge and changes to parry recently. I have only recently been interested in this due to some of the defense rating on random dungeon satchel loot item. I guess I've never really paid attention to the defensive stats so I'm trying to learn how some of these work and if it's worth picking up a few + defense rating pieces or talenting into parry or dodge.
Grabco said:
yeah but I think parry recently got buffed to be equal to dodge, that thread link was written in 2008. I think the math is different now.

It was buffed because it was extremely diminished by DR, it still isn't as good as dodge rating in most cases but I'm very sure the mechanics were never changed. The only special thing about parrying is that it sometimes resets swing timers on weapons.
Rayu said:
It was buffed because it was extremely diminished by DR, it still isn't as good as dodge rating in most cases but I'm very sure the mechanics were never changed. The only special thing about parrying is that it sometimes resets swing timers on weapons.

actually I think it is equivalent to dodge now, i'll try to find the patch notes
Rayu said:
It was buffed because it was extremely diminished by DR, it still isn't as good as dodge rating in most cases but I'm very sure the mechanics were never changed. The only special thing about parrying is that it sometimes resets swing timers on weapons.

Actually, it's called Parry Haste. It's not reseting any swing timers, just making the attack speed of your next swing faster.

Link: Parry Haste
lindenkron said:
Actually, it's called Parry Haste. It's not reseting any swing timers, just making the attack speed of your next swing faster.

Link: Parry Haste

The only reason I know anything about parry is because my GM told me I wasn't allowed to use a DW build on my DK tank.
Rayu said:
The only reason I know anything about parry is because my GM told me I wasn't allowed to use a DW build on my DK tank.

DK tanks are fine aslong as you get enough expertise to get rid of most of the boss parry's. And even then it's not really a problem since there are a decent amount of bosses with parry haste disabled.

For example the very first boss in ToC Gormak the impaler used to have parry haste turned on as a error and this was removed. Lord Marrowgar in icecrown has parry hasted turned off. Festergut in Icecrown has parry haste turned off. (and a lot more ofcourse.)

But this talking suddenly made me realize that you could use the Deflection as a dps talents as a rogue (oke it's a very low dps increasing talent but still).
Trespasser said:
DK tanks are fine aslong as you get enough expertise to get rid of most of the boss parry's. And even then it's not really a problem since there are a decent amount of bosses with parry haste disabled.

For example the very first boss in ToC Gormak the impaler used to have parry haste turned on as a error and this was removed. Lord Marrowgar in icecrown has parry hasted turned off. Festergut in Icecrown has parry haste turned off. (and a lot more ofcourse.)

But this talking suddenly made me realize that you could use the Deflection as a dps talents as a rogue (oke it's a very low dps increasing talent but still).

I think Deflection has always been a great talent for a non-stealth based rogue build, even though I've never used it it should be great in combination with Improved Sinister Strike, Improved Gouge and 2 points in a talent to your liking for RvR.
Grabco said:
Does the DR for dodge reset just like the DR with sheep or fear? If you run away and are not hit for 15 sec can you come back and have a better chance to dodge?

I'm pretty sure you are thinking of a different type of DR. I don't think it works like sheep and CC DR, if so at some point wouldn't you be unable to dodge at all? I thin the DR is on the rating itself. Example +12 dodge rating gives you lets say %5 dodge, the next +12 dodge rating may only give you %4 dodge, then +12 more gives %3 and so on. That is why when they implemented the DR on dodge even though people that had %70 dodge still have the same amount of rating but less dodge %. Test it out, get a rogue to remove all + dodge rating, put on one piece and see the % difference, then put on +12 more and see if it goes up by the exact same amount, I don't think it does. I'm pretty sure that is how the DR on dodge is setup.
I'm pretty sure you are thinking of a different type of DR. I don't think it works like sheep and CC DR, if so at some point wouldn't you be unable to dodge at all? I thin the DR is on the rating itself. Example +12 dodge rating gives you lets say %5 dodge, the next +12 dodge rating may only give you %4 dodge, then +12 more gives %3 and so on. That is why when they implemented the DR on dodge even though people that had %70 dodge still have the same amount of rating but less dodge %. Test it out, get a rogue to remove all + dodge rating, put on one piece and see the % difference, then put on +12 more and see if it goes up by the exact same amount, I don't think it does. I'm pretty sure that is how the DR on dodge is setup.

This was already covered in the 3rd post in this thread.
Hurpdurp said:
This was already covered in the 3rd post in this thread.

Yes, then the OP posted the following.


Originally Posted by Rayu

Diminishing Returns - Avoidance should help.

yeah but I think parry recently got buffed to be equal to dodge, that thread link was written in 2008. I think the math is different now.

So I tried to re-explain it and hope that it made sense and let him know how to test the math on it.

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