EU+US Do you still have your very 1st Tink @ 19? SS's?

Can't believe it's been over 8 years...
Coca was my very 1st tink!

(SS is from Feb 2009)

then came Qualixx

then my 3rd.. Mazurati (The one I actually leveled and had 2 SF's :()
def not, sadly.... i miss that jawn too, cold ass tauren warrior with a shadowfang mainhand... not sure what made me delete it

edit: remembered, pure uselessness at the time during bc lol... warrior spell kit used to be too laughable at low level, limited as f
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Not 19s, but the oldest SS I could find. My old computer was wiped years ago :(

Rofann was my second twink. I orginally had a 19 hunter, who I brilliantly leveled from 19, to 29 to 39.
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This char is from bc. First it was named Karura and started on a german realm as Undead, but as I progressed as 19s player I transfered it to EU servers for the competiton and namechanged to Zimt. It got a lot of nostalgia items like Naxxenchant, SF, Spikes on Shield etc. Haven't played after WoTK because the 19s gameplay changed for worse in my opinion. Back in the day 19s was unique because of it's limited resources and skillset compared to highlevel. Every point of damage mattered and you had to pull off trick after trick to be competetive and get an edge. It felt like you needed a lot more control over the game to win comapre to nowadays.
Too bad EU is kinda dead(?) so I can't make a comeback and prove myself wrong and todays games are just as challenging and awesome as they were back in the days, or rather I cba to pay money to play bad wsgs (from what I've heard).

Shoutout to all people I played with in the past, it would be cool to hear from some of you guys! Just send me a message or something :)
This is my first tink ever, wasn't a 19 but led me to becoming part of 19s:á/advanced

The original Apnea started out as a 29 (eventually leveled to 39 obviously), and paved the way for me to make the 19 Apnea.

I used to hang out on Uldum on my first 29 when the original Pizza Hut guild was around and always saw them in the battlemaster area, so one day I asked one of them why they were so low level and always hanging out in the battlemaster area. That's when I learned 19 tinks were actually a thing. I quit the game for a while shortly after that, but as soon as I came back I geared up my first 19. I still have a bunch of old gear not worth much at all anymore, but not currently useful or equipped:Àpneà/advanced

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