Do you smoke?

No I don't smoke, and I will never start. Personally I think smokes are weak people, no, really. Why would you ruin your lungs like that? There is absolutely no positive effect by doing it, so I don't get it why people start.
Everytime u eat you have to smoke afterwards. When ur bored you smoke. When ur hanging out with freinds you smoke. When you drink you smoke even more. When you wake up in the morning you smoke, and when you go to bed you smoke one last cigg for the night.

You forgot one. When you drive you smoke. Constantly.

Until I was recently fired, I had an hour drive to/from work. Plus I was working outside at a scrapyard all day. I was smoking a pack and a half a day just because I could. I feel like when I'm driving its the worse, I'm practically lighting one off another.
You forgot one. When you drive you smoke. Constantly.

Until I was recently fired, I had an hour drive to/from work. Plus I was working outside at a scrapyard all day. I was smoking a pack and a half a day just because I could. I feel like when I'm driving its the worse, I'm practically lighting one off another.

oh yeah=p def while driving as well.
I don't smoke. And I'm almost 19. Neither do I drink alcohol.


well in most states you have to be 19 to even buy ciggs, even tho I started at 18 cuz it was different when I lived in mississippi. And you shouldnt be drinking anyways at ur age.....ya might end up drinking too much and doing something stupid...I speak from experiance

Also dont start smoking!!! Its not worth it. It might be kinda cool the first few weeks or less, when you get a buzz off the nicotine, and you tell urself youll just quit when you get used to it, but that dosnt happen. You just find urself wanting to smoke regardless and then ur hooked.
Have never smoked a cigarette.

My lungs are bad enough as it is. I have occasionally smoked tobacco in other constellations. Winter two years ago I caught the worst pneumonia after aggravating a cold with smoking pot. We were sleeping in a van during a congress in Berlin, between Christmas and New Year's, averaged -4 °C inside the van.

I do admit it can be sweet, lived in Amsterdam seven years ago and spent one of my best summers there. I am glad I didn't smoke too frequently, I know a guy from that time who got into smoking cigs via joints.

Never forget that nicotine is cyto- and especially neurotoxic.
I actually just started smoking from an e-cig recently (blu-cigs).
I have been smoking for almost five years, 1.5-2 packs a day (Marlboro Smooth), and a few months ago I tried the disposable blu-cig. I liked it so I bought the starter kit a couple weeks ago.
So far, so good, however, I still crave a real cigarette now and then.
Never smoked, never tried, never will. I really hate cigarette smell (pipe is nice, otoh) and I had friends in grammar school who couldn't stop at 15, and that creeped me out for good.

It's only in high-stress times that I wish I could to have something to occupy my fingers.

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