Do you really think Blizzard will end twinks with WotLK?



It seems that once a week there is a new thread in the battlegroup forums talking about how the battlegrounds will start giving XP with the WotLK expansion. I've seen 10 threads this week on the subject. Let's take a look at a couple things...</p>
  1. This rumor swirls to some degree with every patch. It hasn't happened yet.
  2. Do you think Blizz hates twinks? Do you think that they don't realize that low level PVP is what keeps 1000's of players subscribing to WOW?

I personally would have left WOW for good over a year ago if twinking wasn't possible. I know dozens of friends that feel the same too, so you have to think that it's much bigger than that. Why would Blizz push people out. The only ones really complaining about twinks are those that don't have 70s to support the outrageous price of BOE gear and the REAL CASUAL PLAYER that feels like twinks are ruining their even play field at the lower levels. </p>

I am not claiming to know for sure, but I have to say... HELL NO, it won't happen.</p>

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No, I doubt it.

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