Do not join ''Messias and Healy''! Stormscale EU

Stormscale, home of the real OG twinks mate
All 29 guilds fail because of the following reasons
- People get too cocky they think they're good because they sit on GY but never would want to be questioned in a proper game vs other 29s as in a premade.
- The bracket is general cancer and with the amount of bad players already in it the more added creates more cancer.
- Too many people think they're gods because they do 300k damage but lose the game and then say **** like ' we werent focused on objective '
Coming back to the issue
I don't see why this thread was made - we all know this will collapse before the end of summer. No one plays this bracket serious except a handful of people.
Though im not saying do not make a 29 guîld im just saying avoid unsecessary drama because as said this will die out.

I don't think you even know the meaning of a bracket dying out. There was a block of about 3-4 years where I was the only twink on Bleeding Hollow Horde. Imagine my surprise when I came back recently.

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