Do Arms warrior still hold their own?

Please explain why or why not? in your opinion of course. Im looking to make one as its pretty much been my dream since i started twinking and i want to do it now that i can and still play.
Depends, What bracket? I know in 39+ Arms = Rend/Overpower spam = the shit. Fury = Attack Speed Increase = The shit. Prot = Stun lock spam = The shit.

In other words, 39+ warriors are pretty much shit. :D
Im currently trying to buy a PoD for Arms but also wanted to make a Prot set as it seems to be popularily good
Arms is still very viable and is probably the best single target damage in the bracket. It's shortcomings are in that it doesn't have the longevity to stay up without a healer, and is susceptible to being kited once charge/intercept have are on cooldown.

Prot/fury are definitely not as popular with prot being great for soaking damage and controlling melee, but being somewhat useless against casters, and fury needing a lot of RNG + skill to be played effectively as opposed to arms having on-demand burst.
Natepwncity said:
Arms is still very viable and is probably the best single target damage in the bracket. It's shortcomings are in that it doesn't have the longevity to stay up without a healer, and is susceptible to being kited once charge/intercept have are on cooldown.

Prot/fury are definitely not as popular with prot being great for soaking damage and controlling melee, but being somewhat useless against casters, and fury needing a lot of RNG + skill to be played effectively as opposed to arms having on-demand burst.

Thanks, this really gives me some incite into what my arms warrior is gonna be like so I am still pushing for making him.
for as good as it looks in theory, prot is NOT a viable DPS spec, not at all. It will only work if you're playing against idiots. The only time prot becomes viable is if you're getting focused by mellee classes.... so most of the time you will be competlely ignored, your rage generation will be sooooo low u wont even be able to HS more than once every 5 seconds, and your main damage ability(and basically only good dmb ability) will never be able to be used.

and TBH fury isnt great either... any spec that goes deep into fury will probably just be spamming PH as utility.

if u want to dps go Arms, if u want to FC go prot/fury hybrid, and if u want to have fun/be gimmicky(or extremely frustrated) go full fury or prot.
Sadly this is true, I just got done talking to my friend who is a 39 twink warr(fairly good).

Prot is good against melee but he went fury and now he sucks vs melee.

He hasnt tried arms but arms might be the way to go now adays.
I know this is a little off topic, but it still concerns warriors. I was wondering if the shadowmeld charge trick still worked,

If so, why dont more alliance Twinks abuse it?

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