Dk/mounts/Achieves help


Hey, I noticed a bunch of f2p's have mounts and titles only available to p2p's - I looked in the forums and saw something about making a DK on nemesis or on any server - I tried and was not able to do it - I also saw someone post something about using the 10 day trial blizz offered for MoP (that I haven't used yet) - can someone clarify if F2p's are still able to get the mount's and chieves and if so how to do it - thnx gspots
Hey, I noticed a bunch of f2p's have mounts and titles only available to p2p's - I looked in the forums and saw something about making a DK on nemesis or on any server - I tried and was not able to do it - I also saw someone post something about using the 10 day trial blizz offered for MoP (that I haven't used yet) - can someone clarify if F2p's are still able to get the mount's and chieves and if so how to do it - thnx gspots
DK glitch is grandfathered, so you can't do it unless you did it already. If you are linked with a P2P you can use 10-day trial and get everything available to all your characters. This way is a lot easier to get mounts/pets/achieves since you can DC all you like and use trade, mail, AH, etc...
I am linked to a P2P account -so if I use the 10 day trial on my P2P account - all mounts and titles transfer automatically to my f2p? - thnx
Yep! Just have to log in each character once. If your account is reaaally old make sure to also learn your mount / companion pets :p
Awesome - I love your ranking system by the way it rocks, I was thinking maybe one of the inputs in the Pvp sections should be total killing blows/Total bg's would be interesting, props and thanks for this info too
This is the deal, when the glitch came you will be recognized as a player who has made a level 55 character. Simply to stop it Blizzard said, "No level 55 no DK excluding p2p's I think.
also keep in mind that every 2-3 months you get a free 10-day re-try on your main to do a bit more collecting/farming. i think the unwritten rule is every 3 months, but mine have been more frequent than that lately (MoP launch and christmas had somethings to do with it).
also keep in mind that every 2-3 months you get a free 10-day re-try on your main to do a bit more collecting/farming. i think the unwritten rule is every 3 months, but mine have been more frequent than that lately (MoP launch and christmas had somethings to do with it).

Yea, I thought about trying for titles and such with these trial periods - but I dunno if at 10 days at a time 3-4 times a year is worth trying for any long term goals such as finishing off my battlemaster or justicar titles......

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