DK Killing 50-59 bracket ?

I initially hated 59s and DKs

now that I know how to kill them with my rogue I love the 59 bracket again
ArthurianKnight said:
never said it was completely dead either... he did put up a good fight...

but in full gears you're never gonna see a 59 twink with more then 6k health.

while 59 DK fully twinked can go for as high as 10k health. that's twice you're life dude. and depending on their spec, they can simply, like pally, grow a second life bar ! i agree that the guy behind the class does matter. i also understand how much DK are non-twink, but look at their gears, their starting gears compared them and you'll see that they do rival the stats you get after all the hard work you did !

that's all i'm saying !

i was thinking of twinking 59, 60 and 70... but seeing how the DK is... i'll stay to my 19 thru 49 twinks !

I'll say first off I havn't played since Wrath. Well, since maybe a month before wrath, so I don't know how bad DK's have affected things. But I wanted to call out your "never gonna see a 59 twink with more than 6k health"...

bullshit. I can nearly pull that off as Ret, it's just gear for the most part. One of the old 59 paladins in my BG (not sure he's still playing) was a Prot built in stam gear. He was around 11k unbuffed. Arvalar is a gnome 'lock in my BG. He's usually running 9-11k health, depending on what he's wearing and his current spec (most times I think he was Demon).

However, that Deathgrip glyph sounds freaking retarded. HONORABLE kills and not KILLING BLOWS? wow, that is fucking brilliant. That's like all those rogue talents that feed off group/raid kills or crits or whatever. Totally retarded in PVP, and I seem to recall that they're changing those. Hope to hell the death grip one gets changed.
Velocemorte said:
The fact that DKs took over the 50-59 and 60 AV brackets doesn't make them overpowered all across the board. If you have an 80 DK you know this already. In both PvP and PvE, we're not OP. We have many new tools that are completely new ideas in the WoW game, and I feel that those that are crying that we're OP simply aren't used to facing DKs and just haven't developed strategies to kill them. I will agree that DKs in 50-59 have an extreme advantage given a 100% (or 120%) mount and the fact that they're given all of their gear right off the bat.

Calling for a DK nerf for this reason is just silly. Play one at 80. See yourself suddenly become more balanced. This is true for all classes. Blizzard doesn't design fairness in the game around twinking. This is why many classes are more popular in their respective brackets. Hunters in 29 are awesome, warriors in 29 are jokes. Granted there are 29 twink hunters that suck and 29 twink warriors that are good, but that's where skill > gear. The same goes for DKs.

If, all things considered, an enhancement shaman is beating a DK at level 60, the DK is doing something wrong. Stay in Frost Presence against melee, especially with the recerenlty buffed 15% magic damage reduction - useful against shaman. Chains of Ice him and stay out of melee range until your runes are off CD. Run in with your big bursts when you can and just keep the shaman at bay. If he gets a lucky WF crit on you while you cross him, make your next big hit a death strike and pray for a heal crit. Or if you're spec'd 11 into Unholy, just pop Lichborne and heal yourself.

** edit is in bold **

sorry i can't say that this is true. Dk's are not a balanced in my eyes nor in many other perspectives. plate wearing insane damage dealing magic / melee / hot removal / 1 silence / 1 CS / 1 stun. Top end teams DENIED to play on the arena tournament due to the single fact of the DK class... also the gear that blizzard gave Dk's fresh out of the starting zone is equal like literally EQUAL to aq 40 gear give or take a couple of pieces, but some are actually better too... which is all lvl 60 mind you highest raid content available now for pre-bc.
There's a huge difference between overpopulated and over powered. Replace the number of dk's w/ hunters and u'd hear the qq about red petting noobs left and right.
"never gonna see a 59 twink with more than 6k health""

my rogue has almost 6k health and im not stacking any sort of stam beyond what comes on bandit gear.....If i really wanted to im pretty sure I could hit upwards of 7k on my rogue, it would be bad, but do-able im thinking.

And yes, I agree with alkaholic...if there were 15+ of any one class in every bg people would qq about that class.

The only problem with DKs in the 59 bracket imo is the epic mount...everything else is not a big deal if you approach the situation properly and play with some amount of skill (here is a hint...almost every dk in the bracket is really bad)
59 and 60 are flooded with DKs, they are insanely OP at those brackets.

however the 69 bracket is actually pretty balanced. DKs no longer have the advantage gearwise right from the start, in fact most BIS gear at 69 are WotLK quest greens.
A gnome engineer can easily break 6k health... and still have substantial SP/int to back it up.

I'm starting to think that this is partially a design flaw why DKs own in this bg for a couple reasons.

1) Their gear is set up for questing in BC w/o much difficulty.

2) There is no 50-57 DKs in BGs. I get stuck in some BGs where there is a 50 mage or 51 warrior... so it pretty much nerfs your side if you get a bad group (It just seems to happen more often than not on my battlegroup compared to horde).

3) Lack of popularity on most battlegroups/servers make it difficult to premade the 50-59 bracket.

1v1, most DKs get a run for their money against comparable geared players. The problem becomes when you get a group vs group encounters due to the lack of quality geared toons/skilled players in this bracket. Its easy for even a novice DK to tear up someone south of 3k health or bringing focus fire to you since there is really no threat with some of the other players.

I've 1v1 DK's pretty easily (and repeatedly) as a frost mage, been in top 5 in leaderboards in AVs, won multiple WSG/ABs due to people listening.

My opinion: Try out the bracket if you are planning on going to be a 60 twink, at least you get some WSG/AB marks out of it w/o getting whooped by 69s in the 60-69 bracket.
even one on one, i own everybody with a DK at 60, reguardless of how you play, unless you'Re a druid or a hunter, you're getting the boots easily ! group wise, its not a question of being over populated either.... even if there was 15 hunters on the other side, you would still have a chance at winning and killing more often. but try to survive 15 DKs who all wants the target just because its not a DK ! you'll be doing like half the level without even touching the floor !

as for the life, cool, you get to have 10k life where my friend in full warlord set and all best enchants he could couldn't even hit the 7k ! think you guys know something i don't... cause at 60 there is nothing better then the warlord set, unless perhaps the AQ40 gears !


i just thought of it though, of course he hits 10k with all the others buffs !

but its still buffed, i am speaking unbuffed !

unbuffed with the best gear at 60, you have like 6k life while the DK has around 10k unbuffed.

all buffed it still gives them the edge !
ArthurianKnight said:
we've checked if there would be better gears with outlands and it seems that 60 twink do not have better then the warlord set. what sucked though, was that PVP at that level seemed biased as half the BG we're DKs.


On 60 you can have quite many sockets.

For example:

Light-Touched Breastplate

Circlet of the Victor

Band of the Victor

Tenacious Defender

Ironsole Clompers

Bloodstained Ravager Gauntlets

Scout's Hood

Expedition Forager Leggings

+Eternal Belt Buckle (not needed Smithing for it)

Thats 18 sockets on a plate gear.

Thats 18x24sta(=4320hp) for example

And then when Uldura patch come (with epic gems)...

Its 18x30sta(=5400hp) for example
eloz pretty much has it there. the stamstackers are going to be everywhere after 3.1, and i think ive already seen enough of em in this bracket.
ArthurianKnight said:
even one on one, i own everybody with a DK at 60, reguardless of how you play, unless you'Re a druid or a hunter, you're getting the boots easily ! group wise, its not a question of being over populated either.... even if there was 15 hunters on the other side, you would still have a chance at winning and killing more often. but try to survive 15 DKs who all wants the target just because its not a DK ! you'll be doing like half the level without even touching the floor !

as for the life, cool, you get to have 10k life where my friend in full warlord set and all best enchants he could couldn't even hit the 7k ! think you guys know something i don't... cause at 60 there is nothing better then the warlord set, unless perhaps the AQ40 gears !


i just thought of it though, of course he hits 10k with all the others buffs !

but its still buffed, i am speaking unbuffed !

unbuffed with the best gear at 60, you have like 6k life while the DK has around 10k unbuffed.

all buffed it still gives them the edge !

10k health=not so hot DPS. I'll bet your 6-7k health Warlords friend does pretty damn decent damage.

It's not hard to stack stamina, but you have to understand, it's stacking stamina, which means you're losing out on other stats.
Id far and away rather stack any other useable epic gems than +30stam gems come 3.1....what a silly waste of perfectly good gems.

60-69 bracket = no skill tard-a-thon and DKs are still pretty OP in that bracket as well (maybe not gear wise, but certainly power wise), combine that with a bracket filled with more low levels than any other ive ever seen (that includes 10-19 bracket) and youve got yourself a pretty easy time as a twink. Saying to drop 50-59 or 60s to play 60-69 stinks of noob killing power.
I had a dk twink, and i must say he raped bg's. But since the bg's are ful of dk's it isn't fun so i won't advice you to get one :)
I think if it wasn't for DKs, there wouldn't be many 60 AVs at all. Most of them are inexperienced and easy to kill (fresh off the boat). But yes it can get old being deathgripped over and over and over like a pingpong ball. But would you rather have 20 DKs or 20 Pallys? I'd take the Dks over Pallys all day long. What about 20 mages, rogues, hunters warriors, shamans, priest? That would suck too. So I don't think it's the class, it's the imbalance of DKs and their abilities.

My rogue can kill em no prob, 2 on one is a little harder though. I made a basic 60 DK twink but it didn't seem to be as OP as I liked. So I leveled to 69 and now I am quite OP with 16k hp unbuffed, 25k+ full buffs. The 60-69 bracket seems to be more balanced and more populated. You run into a lot of arena gear 70s too which makes it challenging.Armory Link
Like i've just said I have a pally and shadow priest twink and I rape dk's. I've actually begun enjoying being dgripped on my pally because I'm right in the stupid noobs face. Seriously I have no idea why they dgrip a pally but nor do I care because I can burst em down before I get dgripped again. you called it "ping pong" more like a "express hk".
I'll freely admit death knights are OP at 80. If you read the 19 bracket you'll see a picture of my twink in case you don't I'll just tell you her name is Rainbobright from Blackdragonflight. Catchy I know. As a decently geared 80 blood tank I can solo pretty much everything from zg all the way through kara, and I can even do a few level 80 instances on non heroic mode solo.

So are we op? Yes we are, however what you have to balance that against, and I'm sure blizzard considered is that much like the players who play hunters most people who play dks are attracted to the allure of an easy class you don't have to level much. Most people who play the class honest to god suck at it. The class has to be good so that people who suck at it can pick it up do much better than before and declare it fun, and tell their friends to play this game. Now dealing with a terribad death knight isn't that hard as much as people complain. Dealing with several at once I'll grant is again annoying, but no more so than being chain frost trapped, concussive shotted, wingclipped, intimidated, and so on(insert another class here say rogue or what have you).

What's bad is when you come up against one of the good ones. A good player with an op class is a tough fight anyway you look at it. That's what you're hearing about. For every good amazing dk you come up against you kill a couple dozen terrible ones, but again remember this class was made specifically for bad players so they could be decent/good, and enjoy the game without an equal amount of skill. It sucks, but it's what it is.

As for how op a dk is? I think dk's are in fact the most op from 58-65. At 80 they're op sure, but not so much. Since most folks are leveling without T2/2.5/3 and dks pretty much are the differences are much more stark, but go away as you near closer to 70. It was like going into your first battleground at 60 with your dungeon set, against someone in T2 not even close.


I'm in blood presence, but that's my tank gear so add 2k health, and about 12k armor to that, and it's what I use to solo with.
DK's OP? Ok. I disagree and think that it is the paladin in these BG's that is OP. Sure, there are a ton of DK's, but at least they are beatable 1 on 1. A pally is basically invincible. I have beaten pally's 1 on 1, but only because I was able to outlast his bubble and other talents. Lucked into it, really.

A shadow priest, lock, pally and even a good mage can tear my 59 DK up, if they know what they are doing. I don't think many can beat a pally.

At 80, my protection warrior can beat a DK pretty easily, btw. Paladin, no way. Not even close in 1 v 1 fighting.
My 2 cents on this... 1v1 I can rock a DK (frost spec proves to be the most difficult with their defensive CD's), sometimes even 2v1 thanks to things like Last Stand and Shield Wall... but in all honesty, if you're not making a twink with high survivability or nuckin futz damage (or even both), then DK's are most likely going to rule you in this bracket (let's face it, they only have to do 3 levels to get good gear, whereas the rest of us must go through 59 of them).

Moral of the story: GO BIG OR GO HOME.

Edit: as for pallies, you have to stun them and outdamage them so that they MUST use their bubble or LoH. Once they pop one or both, it's over if you can kill their entire health again.
Alteffour said:
"never gonna see a 59 twink with more than 6k health""

my rogue has almost 6k health and im not stacking any sort of stam beyond what comes on bandit gear.....If i really wanted to im pretty sure I could hit upwards of 7k on my rogue, it would be bad, but do-able im thinking.

And yes, I agree with alkaholic...if there were 15+ of any one class in every bg people would qq about that class.

The only problem with DKs in the 59 bracket imo is the epic mount...everything else is not a big deal if you approach the situation properly and play with some amount of skill (here is a hint...almost every dk in the bracket is really bad)

^totally correct but i still QQ because...

i can get 7500 HP self buffed in my no dps stam outland gear. and i am a pre-wotlk twink so i think its easily doable now any class to beat 6k.

problem is DKs are twinked out of box and when they do waste g on a 5 min toon they get 7-8k hp w/ lots of dps.

and yes us rogues can kill them 1v1 (usually takes one or more of the many CDs we have to do it) but really! 1v1! i can take out any other class and still have 80% hp left. let alone need to worry about one vs one. pre DKs you could still be a twink @59 now u have ot be fully twinked just to be a strong as a non twink DK. it sux.

i spend 80% of the time killing non DKs the other 20% killin a DK that jumped me or getting jumped by multiple DKs

either way its my only dps twink that cant pug play and get 20/0 often

you should be OP to other classes that arent twinks

Just saying, I have about a 5 level clearance on my half-twinked disc priest (level 60) and it is pretty rare that I lose to DK's, unless there are like 3 of them o_O

But in all honesty, they do kind of ruin the 50-59 bracket for a lot of people who worked to get their gear =[. Make them unable to participate in that bracket unless they pay gold or something and make them eligible for PvP when they hit 61 o_O

That way people can still twink their DKs, and the DKs who just want to /castrandom *spells here* can just level their way out =3

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