Discussion about the 39 Holydin


Heya, while I was reading the Forums randomly, I noticed that there is conversation of Holy Pallys against Priest and druid. But there isn't a 39 Holy Paladin guide.

Should the pally be stacked with stamina and intellect or maybe stamina and mp5 ?

I've got many questions to make and would love to have some answers.

Ty :)
My argument for holy paladin is this. It's a very robust class - almost impossible to nuke down quickly.

Healers are always primary targets in battlegrounds. The key is to be able to take the burst, and this is what holy paladin excels at. Not only can it take the burst, it can heal, whilst taking the burst. Add in bubble, loh, hof and it's great for support too.

Don't worry about mp5. The base stats you get off the blues + epics, coupled with your BOW - and as long as your efficient, you will actually struggle to go OOM. I'm not quite sure on the figures, but i've heard many times, of holy paladins burst healing, whilst keeping there mana, overall, stable.

A guild member of mine is gunning for 3500hp, 2500 mana, 2800AC and about 150sp. He's nearing these figures, and it's working really well. The downsides are that, you are easily interruptable, and can't heal on the move. The nice thing about a stamina stacked pally is that the opposing side have to use up so much resources to take one down - leaving your dps to clear up.

I wouldn't necessarly say better than a priest, certainly more durable however. Resto Shaman is another option. Again, unless you are a rogue and can stunlock from 100% hp to 0, you won't take one down solo. Within 3 minutes anyhow.
The thing about holy pallies is they better know how to fake cast well or they'll be shut down fairly easily
I agree for the survivability , but think about the paladin as 1on1 or so. There is no much dmg out for 39 holy, if we compare to 49 bracket, There pally got holy shock and Cleanse adds some survivability.

Would You mind to post a link to Your guild member paladins armory, I could take a look at the gear :)

What about paladin against other healing classes when You got personal help from a guildie or an Irl friend as warrior, rogue or retri ?
you can outlast burst and spamheal you and your teammate. if not interrupted well, there is nothing that can stop you from staying alive while your dps buddy kills the attacker.

in 2v2 with enough interrupt your dps will be dead before you can cast 1 heal. it depends on fakecasting and CD burning.
Holy can spec for 70% reduction on knock back. No class can nuke you before you can make a single heal in 2v2. Bubble. Ahem. The only class that could achieve that, after bubble, is a CS + DPS nuke mage. What is your arena partner doing in this time?

[char=eu-Hakkar]Drylight[/char], work in progress.

Will have:

- Green lens of healing on head + 100hp libram (before nerf).

- Pristine crystalline shard for neck.

- BOA shoulders (+ enchant before the nerf).

- 150hp on chest.

- 15sp on bracers.

- Revelosh gloves of healing/stamina/eagle + 20 spell power.

- 9/9 Boots + 9 stamina + minor run speed.

- 1 Underworld band.

Comes out to be about 3600HP, 200SP, 2800AC and around 2800 mana.
I got the green lens on my paladin already, though shes only 28lvl.

Boa shoulders too, with the enchant.

Why only 1x underworld band ? :O what will be the other ring equipped ?

What about the legs, after the patch there is no leg enchant possibility so what are the best panst aivable after the 3.1 ? What about the Green lens of healing, still the best head after the libram nerf ?
Phiit said:
Why only 1x underworld band ? :O what will be the other ring equipped ?

What about the legs, after the patch there is no leg enchant possibility so what are the best panst aivable after the 3.1 ? What about the Green lens of healing, still the best head after the libram nerf ?

deadmans hand most of the time. you have to stand still while casting...lot of melee inc.

mail greens / blighted / necromancer ... depends on melee absorb needed.

and get a green whelp chest.

for high melee absorb you can use a green mail head or the raging berserker. or the goblin mining helmet for the looks^^

miners hat of the deep is another option, but really rare.
Aristeia said:
The thing about holy pallies is they better know how to fake cast well or they'll be shut down fairly easily

or learn to emote /sexy ;)

i definately agree that mp5 is kind of worthless unless you're going to be healing for like 3 minutes straight with no interruption. health is much more important. for example, i'd rather take 6 stats to chest than 6 mp5 because it would take 1 minute and 30 seconds of non-stop casting to overrun the 90 mana i get from 6 stats, not to mention 6 stats gives you 60 more hp and 6 spirit (6 mp5 while not casting i believe, can anyone confirm?).

self buffed (kings), my 8/10/12 paladin has 3.4k hp, 2.8k mana, ~2.9k armor, and 173 healing. works out to be good at both healing and flag carrying. you need to know where you are on the field at all times though, because keeping up with your targets can sometimes be difficult, especially without 12 talent points in retribution for the extra speed. you should try to stay ahead of your flag carrier most of the time so you can heal them as they run.
Well i got a 39 twink paladin my self (not fully updated to wotlk) and i just played on him the other day and i had no problem with mana or anything like that. Just use Seal of Wisdom and you wont go oom.
Shroomo said:
What are your thoughts on Helm of Exile? It has good armor, great INT and SPI, but no stamina.

I know it's prolly more geared towards shammies though.

if you want armor, sure. but it is advised to choose a cloth helm such as Papal Fez, Whitemane's Chapeau, or Green Lens over that one because the stats on Helm of Exile aren't really good for a holy paladin. a holy paladin mainly wants armor, health, and spellpower, while getting int/spirit/mp5 as side-stats.

hp = sp > armor > int > mp5/spirit > agility > strength IMO
Try this one on for size.

My Healadin


UWBs are not necessary to be an effective, survivable healer, though they're helpful.

Stack more stam, and then get pots/weapon oils to make up for lost SP (Minor wizard oil and Arcane Elixir can add 36 extra SP). Also, I went GWA for sleep proc, which tends to happen at exactly the right times for me.

Also, get your PCS; I didn't think of getting that when I was leveling, and I kinda regret it.

Submitted for your review. I intend on going full Holy spec after the next patch, when Kings is free.

PS: I also have gear that sacrifices like 150 HP for 40 SP.
I think we have to look at whats going to be viable after the nerf. After 3.1 i think HP/AC > all, your going to be healing smaller hp pools so SP is going to go further. 3Khp and 3k armour is going to be naaaasty after the nerf, really allowing your dps classes to nuke things down, whilst the opposition blow everything they have to take you down.
Bansil said:
well, better use


and yes, it is viable to use deathchill and bonefingers.

yeah that sounds like a pretty good stat rundown. i guess spirit really isn't that important for a holy paladin.

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