Discovery! Glyph of Dispel Magic!

Okay after using Glyph of Dispel Magic (it does not heal enemies) for awhile i realized my overall healing increased. Now in my guild i am the dispel-bot so having this glyph does help.

My current gear is my max intellect, which atm i have 2335 intellect if fully buffed i can get about 2.6k. The glyph thru experience also crits. The healing is dependent on the person if you use it on some one with 2k you will heal them more than some one with 1k hp. but i have been able to average the amount of healing i do it would be 30-70 healing per dispel. Now idk if it does infact scale with spellpower but it most likely does not.

Now i am sharing this because i want to know if other priests use this glyph. If you are a priest and use what are your average heals?

Besides that rant, DO you think Glyph of Dispel Magic is better than Glyph of Power Word: Shield?

Glyph of DM > PWS.
glyph of dispell would only heal about 30-40 on your average O member, which really isnt going to be game breaking, whereas it will increase the effectiveness of PW:S which you use when it is needed. Dispell healing would be nice, but it has the potential to be mostly used redundantly and overheal, whereas PW:S would increase your burst healing. It does depend however on the frequency of your PWS's and dispells. If you only cast very few PWS and many dispells then Glyph of dispell would be better, but otherwise imo go PWS

Supadrood said:
how much does pw:S absorb for at 19?

158 + 80% of SP so about 250ish
So if you cast PWS with Kore's numbers you would heal for 50 and absorb 250. If you do DM you would heal on average 50 according to OP. Now PWS has a CD of 4 seconds, as were DM has no CD. So every 4 seconds glyphed PWS you could heal 50 and absorb 250, every 4 seconds glyphed DM you could heal 200. Now you have to include the fact that you can't always spam it and you can't cast PWS on the same target every 4 seconds because of Weakened Soul. It also only heals friendlies when you Dispel something from them, so you can dispel a enemy and it heal you. Overall it depends how you play and what you're doing. PUG's PWS, Premades DM, this is just my opinion.
I used to use that Glyph (of Dispel) on my Priest when it was 6% or something (or was that a talent) anywho, when it got nerfed, I just felt the heal was too small to be worth it.

This may also not be worth it, but if you're the Dispel bot, you might also want to throw out Renews and PW:S with so much mana. If you spec Twin Disciplines (5/5) + Imp Renew (3/3) + Imp PW:F (2/2) + [item]Glyph of Renew[/item], then if your renew normally does 100 over 15 secs, then that's (100/5) 20 healing per tick. Take the Glyph's effect and that's ( (100/4) * 1.25) 25 healing per tick, now add in the talents and it's (25 * 1.2) 30 healing per tick, 50% more healing per tick then the original spell. I presume the +5% healing from Twin Disciplines works for PW:S (and it does for SW:p) then that means you can heal and damage when no healing is needed without ever stopping. I don't know how effective that would be as I've never tried it, but maybe it would suit your play style, because if you are a dispeller then having 7 talent points used for casting healing might not be so worth it if you could do it equally well (again I don't know, but you heals can't be that big with your spell power) PW:S and Renew.
Nutrun said:
I used to use that Glyph (of Dispel) on my Priest when it was 6% or something (or was that a talent) anywho, when it got nerfed, I just felt the heal was too small to be worth it.

This may also not be worth it, but if you're the Dispel bot, you might also want to throw out Renews and PW:S with so much mana. If you spec Twin Disciplines (5/5) + Imp Renew (3/3) + Imp PW:F (2/2) + [item]Glyph of Renew[/item], then if your renew normally does 100 over 15 secs, then that's (100/5) 20 healing per tick. Take the Glyph's effect and that's ( (100/4) * 1.25) 25 healing per tick, now add in the talents and it's (25 * 1.2) 30 healing per tick, 50% more healing per tick then the original spell. I presume the +5% healing from Twin Disciplines works for PW:S (and it does for SW:p) then that means you can heal and damage when no healing is needed without ever stopping. I don't know how effective that would be as I've never tried it, but maybe it would suit your play style, because if you are a dispeller then having 7 talent points used for casting healing might not be so worth it if you could do it equally well (again I don't know, but you heals can't be that big with your spell power) PW:S and Renew.

I presume that I am too tired to read texts this long.
Ya I am an O priest for my guild all my job is to make sure no one is dieing or being cc'd so ya this glyph does help. The problem with PW:S is that I use it before (mostly) some one takes a hit instead of using it meanwhile they are getting hit.

I will may try that weird renew instant heal spec but I like my current spec 4% more stamina and a better fort :p
Dispel Magic

Yes, i think Dispel Magic is better than the glyph of PWS because priests use this alot and is great minimum healing if you are with the fc
I think the dispel one is better, yes it doesn't heal that much, however you dispel a lot on offense so it will make a difference.
on my (loltwink) priest i use glyph of reniew (is that corectly spelled?). i have like 80 SP and it ticks for 80 every 3 seconds or so, together with PW:S it keeps a fight goin where otherwise my mate would have died. as its just a loltwink, and we havnt found enough twink on our realm for a premade, thins migh not add anything. but i did found the spel i use most is renieuw (is this one correctly spelled then?) and the glyph adds what i want, more healing in less time. ofcourse this is just totaly my playstile of running around and keeping as many pll alive. but it works well, so if you didnt do it yet, i'd say, try it out, experience never hurts.

thats just what i wanted to add

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