I thought I'd finally update my priest with these new enchants, but I can't decide between versatility and haste.
Some help from a fellow priest would be appreciated
Versatility for PuGs, Haste for wargames / premades.
Vers is better for pugs because it provides you with damage reduction and stronger heals.
Haste is better for wargames and premades because it allows you to pump out more heals quicker, keeping your team alive. I can get my cast time of flash heal to 1.10 sec vs. 1.4 with versatility. In a premade setting that makes a huge difference, especially since you only gave up 50 healing per cast. In a game with as much burst as we currently have, it is more important to get those quick casts off rather than having the slow, slightly stronger heal.
Even for premades I see Vers being the better stat for Disc. A Discs job is bubbling, so the bigger the bubble, the better. Let the sham/mw worry about topping people off as they are the healing classes that benefit more from haste, seeing as flash compared to healing surge/mists is pretty meh. It's all personal preference but I'd base chants around your best healing spell, which happens to be bubble.
picking haste over vers is one thing. picking haste over int is absolutely terrible
int heals more than haste over a given set of time.
except no. do the math
i told u to do the math not to give me information i already have
haste vs vers for lock. go
crit is terrible for every class and spec