disc priest

Pfff, incapacitate is not that hard to type :D

I could agree with holy being equal with disc (maybe a bit stronger in hands of superb player) when it comes to single target healing. But with Soul Warding you can basically spam shields with every global and do 600 potential heal onto every target at your sight, which helps ALOT group healing as you can focus on a friend who's being trained and not to shit your pants when they decide to switch :D

I will be more active after I change my priest into a gnome and most likely I will test out holy too so I can be more sure about my opinions. Right now I'm sitting at 1300 UB hp and 3000~ UB mana with 222sp unbuffed on my intellect gear so I kinda prefer disc for that reason also :D Shame that I'm missing inferno+jutebraids, they would've been awesome :( [/offtopic]
Boomanda said:
Pfff, incapacitate is not that hard to type :D

I could agree with holy being equal with disc (maybe a bit stronger in hands of superb player) when it comes to single target healing. But with Soul Warding you can basically spam shields with every global and do 600 potential heal onto every target at your sight, which helps ALOT group healing as you can focus on a friend who's being trained and not to shit your pants when they decide to switch :D

I will be more active after I change my priest into a gnome and most likely I will test out holy too so I can be more sure about my opinions. Right now I'm sitting at 1300 UB hp and 3000~ UB mana with 222sp unbuffed on my intellect gear so I kinda prefer disc for that reason also :D

Incapacitate.. There :D (Hard when english isnt your first language and the clock is 4AM :) )

If you have trouble to see when to switch, just open your eyes a bit more :p

- Remember holy also have a instant FREE 30% heal to yourself, (which is great when you dont really feel like spending a heal on yourself)

Boomanda said:
Shame that I'm missing inferno+jutebraids, they would've been awesome :( [/offtopic]

Feeling ya :)
Mostly meant that on the switches you often have to chooce between 200hp friend who has some frost mage still nuking him, or 1.5k hp rogue who has 3 hunters raping him :D Either way one of them is going to die if you're holy and you don't have cast going on (not to mention the random hunters aimeding random team mates which requires Flash Heal + Renew as holy, on-move cast bubble + renew as disc ^^). Also I tested out something. With my gear, as discipline without Twin Disclipines my Flash Heal goes for 400-420 overall with 222 unbuffed sp. Switched to Holy (with Empowered Healing ofc) and my Flash Heals did 470-500. So I gained 50-80 more heals per cast while still bubble being my strongest heal and with loss of 15% of my mana pool (intellect also) :p

Don't forget that bubble gives pushback resist 100% too! It's most powerful tool priests have, so prioritizing it benefits alot more than anything else.

edit: Penance is also _almost_ free and if it crits for 350 on first tick, it's almost Desperate Prayer with 12 second cooldown =D
Boomanda said:
Mostly meant that on the switches you often have to chooce between 200hp friend who has some frost mage still nuking him, or 1.5k hp rogue who has 3 hunters raping him :D Either way one of them is going to die if you're holy and you don't have cast going on (not to mention the random hunters aimeding random team mates which requires Flash Heal + Renew as holy, on-move cast bubble + renew as disc ^^). Also I tested out something. With my gear, as discipline without Twin Disclipines my Flash Heal goes for 400-420 overall with 222 unbuffed sp. Switched to Holy (with Empowered Healing ofc) and my Flash Heals did 470-500. So I gained 50-80 more heals per cast while still bubble being my strongest heal and with loss of 15% of my mana pool (intellect also) :p

Don't forget that bubble gives pushback resist 100% too! It's most powerful tool priests have, so prioritizing it benefits alot more than anything else.

edit: Penance is also _almost_ free and if it crits for 350 on first tick, it's almost Desperate Prayer with 12 second cooldown =D

Dont really know which spec go with as Holy or Disc.. Cause my DISC flash heals does around 380 heal.

And as Holy around 480.

Edit - I got 2/2 [Improved Renew] - 3/3 [Empowered Healing] and 1/1 [Desperate Prayer]
I've noticed that with int stacked gear you can easily get 1500-1600health with fortitude + rumsey and 2.7-3.1k mana and 200-250 UB sp depending on your race. Without inferno. Imho priests offensive utility (as disc AND holy) is at such an awesome state that I wouldn't really go purely healing even if I was playing defensive healer only (such as I am tbh).

Disc also comes out better when you have higher gear on you. Your gear seems to be on development stage, so it's be kinda early to say which spec feels better :p

Oh and those tests were on me, without Inner Fire. Difference would be _minimally_ bigger if I was healing someone with "healing received" -talents + innerfire.

I sometimes screwed as holy when Chastice was bugged and got around 650 Flash Heal HITS with perfume against Assassination rogues and such =D Now if they'd add Chakra as Holy Specialization, I would ejaculate Rasengan's...

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