Deviate Scale Belt still of any use?


Guild Master
Just wondering if it's worth buying the pattern for 2.5k gold and making belts, not sure if anyone even needs them. I imagine BoAs have the hit rating covered, but I could be wrong.
Just do high lvl satchel runs <3!

Just kiddin... I would not buy it, unless you swim in hundreds of thousands of gold! and want it for the nostalgic(Word?) part, because 1, its not gonna sell alot.

2. Because -Of the bandit belt beats it by a mile.

And yes you do get hit capped by heirloom gear, atleast as a rogue.. (if u're going full heirloom from JP)
Some peaple still use it until they can find a replacement. I have it on my alliance huntard because in order to be hit capped I would have to faction change to horde and pick up a pair of gloves of unmitigated badassery, and I cant do that atm.
Some peaple still use it until they can find a replacement. I have it on my alliance huntard because in order to be hit capped I would have to faction change to horde and pick up a pair of gloves of unmitigated badassery, and I cant do that atm.
Heirlooms don't cap you at 19?
It's BiS for combat rogues imo but otherwise I dont think its worth much use so I wouldnt buy it unless it was cheapish
For horde hunters who dont feel like spending 25 dollars for 3 hit rating, deviate>bandit belt for hit cap and thats the way ur sacrificing AS LESS STATS as possible, its important to rock the bis set with a hunter, and swapping ellos>Deviate isnt a bad move.
you guys are completely leaving out any world pvp, dueling higher lvls, or pve fun, all of which requires your twinks to have much more hit than the soft cap for 19 pvp.
^^^^ this is the best belt for a hit set for any leather wearer, hit sets can be very useful for what Dangerdoom said above; surely at some point you'll fight higher level mobs/players? 2.5k gold isn't that hard to make...and considering this pattern is grandfathered (quite a few LW's will know it, but the numbers will dwindle in the future)it's worth it imo.

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