Derp Derp Ret pally


i know its just i havent played him in a while and i thought is was nice i got one of me going 27-0 but it was from farming and i dont think i wanna post that
It was before i even found this website like a day after i got my laptop i haven played wow in 6months said fuk it ill make a pally

Didnt even realize farming was bad :(
i move them down to a bind when i think i might need them was using double AGM so trinket can stay up there and HoP was on CD so meth and i wasent getting focused hard so i moved AGM for a different bind

But i do indeed click holy light ;)
Nothing wrong with farming... It just sucks ass when it happens to your team.

13-1 is not bad if your a 20. If your 24... Thats bad.

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