Demonmage, it was fun

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Now on a serious note, stop your ego crap, you got beated farily ( from what i read ) admit that they out played you.
gz, you won once but stop queing? we outplayed you the whole game u didnt force anything for the whole match and 1 mistake i die because i was 2 late with block. just keep on queing and we will see if you will win

if blocking to late was ur only mistake which is kind of a 1500 mage mistake imo, but ye if we look at your ''amazing'' rating.... it makes me think seems legit...

ps. check out Instructional World of Warcraft MoP PvP Guides, Videos & Tutorials | Level 90 Death Knight, Druid, Hunter, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock & Warrior Guides for Mists of Pandaria - Skill Capped might help you out with this. forgetting to iceblock problem
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if blocking to late was ur only mistake which is kind of a 1500 mage mistake imo, but ye if we look at your ''amazing'' rating.... it makes me think seems legit...

ps. check out Instructional World of Warcraft MoP PvP Guides, Videos & Tutorials | Level 90 Death Knight, Druid, Hunter, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock & Warrior Guides for Mists of Pandaria - Skill Capped might help you out with this. forgetting to iceblock problem

ill have a look at it ty for tips
if blocking to late was ur only mistake which is kind of a 1500 mage mistake imo, but ye if we look at your ''amazing'' rating.... it makes me think seems legit...

ps. check out Instructional World of Warcraft MoP PvP Guides, Videos & Tutorials | Level 90 Death Knight, Druid, Hunter, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock & Warrior Guides for Mists of Pandaria - Skill Capped might help you out with this. forgetting to iceblock problem

I would recommend you watch this yourself btw. If not I can give u some tips straight away after watching ur stream and getting a hint of how bad u actually are xD
shatterqteu - 3v3 @90 RMPala
the stream above is yours i guess
Let us start up with at 0:56:54, your healer gets hexed, instead of making a dispel macro for party 1,2 you click you party frames and then dispel? xDDDD
Secondly you are playing a mage, a dps class. in arena in order to be a good player, you never click on your targets :DDD ill give you another hint, make a target arena 1,2,3 macro so you stop looking so horrible when you are playing :p
last but not least, you have your molten armor which you havent binded, what else can i say ;D
if you dont know how to make curse macros and target arena, ill gladly note them down for you:
#showtooltip Remove Curse
/cast [target=Party1] Remove Curse

#showtooltip Remove Curse
/cast [target=Party2] Remove Curse

/target arena1

/target arena2

/target arena3

AND PLEASE KEYBIND those, and maybe you can start giving tips to people that actually is better than you :DDDD
Guessing I hurt someones feelings :< Cyanerd all over again
dont mix me up with a 70 hero wintrading and buying glad every season from khuna
there is no way a player like you can hurt my feelings xDDDD especially after what you have proven, not only to me, but everyone thats able to watch the stream. a 90 mage, clicking on enemy target, and clicking on party frames to dispel hex for friendly players. and last but not least, playing mage,rogue,healer at 90 and stuck at 1500 mmr
dont mix me up with a 70 hero wintrading and buying glad every season from khuna
there is no way a player like you can hurt my feelings xDDDD especially after what you have proven, not only to me, but everyone thats able to watch the stream. a 90 mage, clicking on enemy target, and clicking on party frames to dispel hex for friendly players. and last but not least, playing mage,rogue,healer at 90 and stuck at 1500 mmr

Just to let you know some people can click on targets and hit 1 bind, instead of 2 faster, especially since you will only use those 2 binds in arena whereas you'll use the 1 bind in all pvp. PS: you seem pretty mad ^_^_^ maybe you played 70 at one time, as you seem to know a hell of a lot about a random player that has never played in this bracket :)
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Just to let you know some people can click on targets and hit 1 bind, instead of 2 faster, especially since you will only use those 2 binds in arena whereas you'll use the 1 bind in all pvp. PS: you seem pretty mad ^_^_^ maybe you played 70 at one time, as you seem to know a hell of a lot about a random player that has never played in this bracket :)
the target macros and clicking was only mentioned in hes arena games in that way if u disagree with me you obviously got no clue about arenas and macros, there is no way you can click faster than binding target macros. and the reason i know a hell of a lot about a random player is that everyone claims that random guy to buy boost from khuna and making it so obvious, there are threads about this on arenajunkies if you have ever heard of that before? id recommend you to scroll down and do some research on google about people buying boost from khuna
Just to let you know some people can click on targets and hit 1 bind, instead of 2 faster, especially since you will only use those 2 binds in arena whereas you'll use the 1 bind in all pvp. PS: you seem pretty mad ^_^_^ maybe you played 70 at one time, as you seem to know a hell of a lot about a random player that has never played in this bracket :)

Maybe Demonmage heared of a Mage called Rngmonsterx r1 Mage @70 and 85 now :eek: ask him for some pointers he's my Idol, God, Teacher, and Lover from time to time
the target macros and clicking was only mentioned in hes arena games in that way if u disagree with me you obviously got no clue about arenas and macros, there is no way you can click faster than binding target macros. and the reason i know a hell of a lot about a random player is that everyone claims that random guy to buy boost from khuna and making it so obvious, there are threads about this on arenajunkies if you have ever heard of that before? id recommend you to scroll down and do some research on google about people buying boost from khuna

I don't think you know anything at all rofl. If i make 2 new binds just for that, as opposed to keeping with my already bound dispel (hypothetically speaking) you will have a faster reaction time for a good few weeks, and if you've used that 1 button for months if not years, chances are it will take a long time to equalise the speed. I do agree about targeting the enemy however. NIce to know you read and believe absolutely everything on AJ and try to speak down to people who actually know and have played with the person in question............... :D Oh and yes i've heard of arenajunkies .. and no i don't want or need to post there, cause if you didn't know it's slowly dying.

Just a heads up, he never "bought" a boost from khuna, if you actually knew anything about this game you would know that khuna was r1 with his RMP and everyone was dodging them. He asked around for a RMP he could use to keep playing on and not get dodged with, he even streamed playing on cyanerds character - if that was a boost then he's pretty much a dumbass isn't he. ^^

PS: Please take a seat young one.
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