Deleveling my 39 Tauren Druid


Hello, I just submitted a ticket about Deleveling my level 39 Druid who used to be a really good level 34 twink with BIS items and enchants. I accidentally leveled him to 35 so I just went ahead and leveled him to 39 because I was at a disadvantage in the 35-39 bracket unfortunately. I saw that when I was level34 I had done a realm change from alleria to galakrond and changed my name too. Would the GM's be able to revert that change by deleting my level 39 and restoring my level 34 on his origional realm? How great would the odds be? And has anyone had any luck doing this? I don't have much faith in this, but it's really my only hope to reviving my 34 Druid :)
you cant delevel, its impossible the game isnt ment to go backwards
I doubt it, because what they are technically doing is refunding the service, but it is possible so don't try, just make the best ticket explaining your problem the best you can.

Alrighty, thanks for the help!
think they strictly do not delevel anymore. a few people got it back in the day by sending in tons of tickets and finding a "good" gm to do it, but dont think any will do it anymore. i recently (2/3 months ago) tried for quite a bit to have them remove xp and all responded no
think they strictly do not delevel anymore. a few people got it back in the day by sending in tons of tickets and finding a "good" gm to do it, but dont think any will do it anymore. i recently (2/3 months ago) tried for quite a bit to have them remove xp and all responded no

Heard of being done yesterday, but that relied on a faction change being done before, the same MAY apply to this.
I've got my fingers crossed, I'll let you guys know what happens :)
The gamemaster basically said he could delevel my character, but it would keep all of the items from even after I transferred (which is obviously bullcrap) and said that they cannot do that due to the fact that I would have an advantage over other players (as in wearing 39 gear as a 34). He said the best solution would be to re roll another twink at 34.
I really don't think you'll be able to do it. I had a 19 hunter with title that I logged in after years of not playing him, and he got exp by zoning into Ironforge and leveled. Could not revert.

It took me about 10 tickets just to get a GM to turn off exp for my 19 pally, I knew I would level if I took 3 steps any direction lol.
I really don't think you'll be able to do it. I had a 19 hunter with title that I logged in after years of not playing him, and he got exp by zoning into Ironforge and leveled. Could not revert.

It took me about 10 tickets just to get a GM to turn off exp for my 19 pally, I knew I would level if I took 3 steps any direction lol.

Lol, good to see u got ur Pallys xp locked, I wish blizz can delevel but it looks like that's out of the question
GMs actually don't delevel, infact they can't......DEVs and programmers do. if a GM elevates it, they may or not do it
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