Definition of the Day

People will change when something they care about is "under attack". In America for example right now the left cares about the disenfranchised and the right cares about christmas, the left wants to include more people but the right want to keep their tradition. At some point, it might be in 10 years it might be 60 if society lasts that long. The tables will turn and the right will be protecting something they care about by saying that the left cant call something they care about such and such because of such and such and the left will want to involve such and such by calling something such and such. I'm gonna take a break now, this got pretty lazy at the end but who knows, another shift might come similar to when the republicans and the democrats switched bases or maybe one party will collapse and another take it's place, lots of stuff can happen but someone will always be telling someone they can't say or do something until the other side takes over and say they can't say or do something else.

There is a spectre haunting America...
another EPIC gamer moment XD
a lot of bloviating, feel like you didn't read my post at all.
If the fact is fact no matter whether im left right centre backwards or middle its still a fact.

You asked why this issue is left or right related, I simply pointed out how you remind everyone that you're right wing on every political point of view you take in these discussions, as if lifted from a republican playbook. Thus you are making it political, not the person recognizing your political standpoint. Don't see why this needs further explaining.
Being political in a political thread is fine. You seem to be coming to a political thread and criticizing people for being political. Also it's very obvious to assume someone leans one way or another. If someone is liberal, and is explaining a liberal PoV, I will still listen so I can evaluate what they say and decide if it has any logical bearing. Same can be said if they are listening to a conservative PoV. If someone says something that strikes a positive or negative chord with me, I will use that to improve my way of thinking. It's not so one-sided. There is no playbook, or at the very least, not everyone abides by it. May as well accuse people of group-think... Ahem

Also data can very much be political (or related to), depending on the topic. Doesn't necessarily mean it's wrong.

To be fair: I never criticized people for being political, just Quack for pretending this is NOT a political discussion and playing the "I am 100% right, end of story." card.
To be fair: I never criticized people for being political, just Quack for pretending this is NOT a political discussion and playing the "I am 100% right, end of story." card.
its a fact - not my opinion

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