defender's sheild of blocking

Ok just wondering what the price for a defenders shield of blocking is and how rare are they? Will the price go up next patch? I found one and was wondering if anyone would like to buy.
I thought the block value on shields was not being adjusted for the upcomming Item block value change. Are they just refering to the base block valus on the shield and not the additional stats that give it plus blocking?
Block Value: The amount of bonus block value on all items has been doubled. This does not affect the base block value on shields or block value derived from strength.

So defenders shield of blocking will now give a +10 block rating with a blocking enchant that could be a lot of block. So any items that say +block rating is doubled, Arctic buckler will still be the best sheild but blocking might be fun to mess around with.
Not bad.

+20 Block Rating (with chant) is a nice 8% block at 1 - 34.
Actually, thats not correct. Block rating isnt changing at all. (% chance to block) Only block VALUE is changing. (How much of the hit you actually block) If you look the lvl 35+ block value chant doubled. Not being a fan of the goofy 19 bracket, im not sure what you can get at that level.
gr1pp said:
This is correct, there are no items or enchant usable by 19 with block value neither.

[ITEM]Formula: Enchant Shield - Lesser Block[/ITEM]
gr1pp said:
This is correct, there are no items or enchant usable by 19 with block value neither.

my friend is on ptr and said the grunts shield (the best 19 green shield) of blocking has been doubled. others can prolly confirm this with a screenshot.

i would personally roll a shield spike on that against rogues. even with that shield with the lower armor, my warrior still has 1600 armor with it.
I remember the maths, said something to the effect a perfect "of Blocking" shield with a spike has an edge against rogues.

For every other class it should be Redbeard's + spike, or Arctic buckler/Deadskull with stam or a spike.
Insertgold said:
Found the blocking enchant, apparently it's extremely rare?


Actually, this is all before the patch o_O can't wait to see it after, when the shield is buffed. Here's a built I made for level 10. Ends up with 600 health and 85 percent block. v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

Bare in mind that is not 100% correct, especially when it comes to rating values etc.

And; Even with a 85% block chance, your value is only 35 meaning you'd still get zerged down in dmg from any melee hitting you :/

Hardly worth the time it would take to make it :)
Diiesel said:
my friend is on ptr and said the grunts shield (the best 19 green shield) of blocking has been doubled. others can prolly confirm this with a screenshot.

i would personally roll a shield spike on that against rogues. even with that shield with the lower armor, my warrior still has 1600 armor with it.

I'd want to see that screenshot honestly. Maybe your friend is mixed up, or maybe it's bugged. Why would they say block value when they mean block rating? Two completely different stats.
I can confirm that there is such a enchant, Armory my war, ogsir. Hes on the left.


I transfered him along with a bunch of rare chanted scrolls including the +10 block chants and sold 7 of them for 89.99g a piece :)
Yes enchant 10 block rating does exist that shouldnt be anything new, actually Ive been using it my self over half an year on my fc gear and it wasnt new even back then. Also its not really a rare enchant. And btw block rating was subject of the rating nerfs few patches back so it would give the same 4% it gives at 19 for your lvl 10 twink also.

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