Deathknight or Shaman?


Well, i'm farming 2 nifflevars atm, 1 down, and hoping for the proc for the second, and i can't decide wether to make a frost dk, or an Enhance shaman. Both would end up with BiS gear and Tazik/springs.

What'd you guys thing?
I'd prolly go enh due to the ability to self heal and other nifty things I like.
I find that enh relies on weapon damage more than frost dks. Pick what playstyle you enjoy more.
150% MH+OH obliterate, 130% frost strike vs 225% stormstrike, windfury(2 extra hits with bonus ap), lava lash 260% OH + 40% flametongue + 20% from glyph and additional damage with searing totem up on target.
EDIT: Don't forget you will be using most of your obliterates during killing machine (100% critt)
I feel like I take down people fast as DK, but I haven't tried to play a enh shammy.
I guess the bad thing regarding a DK is that you have to sacrefice frost runes if you want to howling blast and this will result in less obliterates.
(I still play with howling glyph over froststrike though) :p
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Well, i'm farming 2 nifflevars atm, 1 down, and hoping for the proc for the second, and i can't decide wether to make a frost dk, or an Enhance shaman. Both would end up with BiS gear and Tazik/springs.

What'd you guys thing?

You know you can only get 1 niffle axe per Arch. You have to drop it and relevel. Not sure if you knew, just trying to save you some time.
Finished my second Nifflevar now, decided to make a shaman. So now i'm just sorting out Heirlooms.
I just finished my niffle enhance, missing 2 pve pieces until bis. All I can say is I tear through a lot of people, but take soo much damage. I can be downed in 2 seconds flat. I know I'm not good yet, but it's fun so far.
Or you can get another char to do it.

Aye, They aren't exactly rare, but do require some 400-425 archaeology level requirement, or thereabouts.

@ Seb; And hrm, didn't know you could drop secondary professions, But yeah, if memory serves, you are only able to get one archaeology rare per character.

To be perfectly honest with you, i wouldnt bother with the axes, as you have to be level 71 to use them, this making you a 'leveler', which then makes you a target for abuse in Bgs and Arena, however ive seen you went with the shaman, but if you were planning on getting BiS and tazik/springs, you should have gone Gnome Deathknight, for a 3/8 chance on the springs/tazik tinker rather then the 1/8 chance being any other race. Good luck in with your eng though. :)
To be perfectly honest with you, i wouldnt bother with the axes, as you have to be level 71 to use them, this making you a 'leveler', which then makes you a target for abuse in Bgs and Arena, however ive seen you went with the shaman, but if you were planning on getting BiS and tazik/springs, you should have gone Gnome Deathknight, for a 3/8 chance on the springs/tazik tinker rather then the 1/8 chance being any other race. Good luck in with your eng though. :)

since when do 72 nifflevar dk's get targeted.. i think they get run from.. lol

DK or ENH, whichever you like playing more, because frankly, they will both own. if you are going to go alliance, i would go human if you have gold to throw around or gnome if your a little tight on funds.
since when do 72 nifflevar dk's get targeted.. i think they get run from.. lol
Second that :) People rather target my healer ^^
since when do 72 nifflevar dk's get targeted.. i think they get run from.. lol

In my personal experience, 71-74 Deathknights with these axes tend to be a bit.. Aggressive, and usually ignore resilience, Usually leaving them with less resilience then lil-ol'-glass-cannon-me, And it takes just over one chimera shot to kill them. They only really hurt if they get close enough to something, ie; a healer, Sooo, they are usually a high priority target, After other hunters, and usually mages/rogues. Just my personal opinion/experience, of course.
I guess some are like this, I often run as low as 100ish resi in AV or if I have a really good healer with me, but most of the time I'm at 400ish resi at 16k hp so I don't die instantly.
It's still great fun while soloing, a lot of the niffle people I've seen don't seem to understand that you can do great damage without all the PvE gear. :p
Well, just leveled my engi and got Tazik first time. This is the chardev i'm thinking of running with resi aswell, got a chardev with 364.

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