Death Knight In-Depth Guide For Frost Duel Wield PVP

Bleh, I'm really starting to wish I hadn't gone 2h, stupid warglaive. How does it compare to a str-stacked apolyon?

On a side note, that chardev you linked, why not use the Unstoppable Aggressor's ring from BT? it's way more AP, and you only need 5% hit (2% from gear, 3% from Nerves of Cold Steel) for PvP, so the extra hit on Stormrage Signet is kinda wasted. Just thought I'd point that out.

Oh and whilst I'm at it, you can gain 3 str for free by putting the spell pen in gloves and a pure str gem in the relic

Nice guide either way, I hadn't really realised how useless Merciless Combat was until now. Do you know if it has any effect if the attack brings the target below 35%? Was thinking that my obliterates bring cloth users damn low in health, I'd hate to lose some extra damage.
So, I thought frost DW was only truly as viable as 2 hander when you stack haste/strength and you have 2 nifflevars. I find that if you don't you do much less damage than any random dk using apolyon. A frost dk needs to be able outdps healers and get them down, without double nifflevars there just isn't enough dps to do that!
Very nice guide :p
Always something missing with those chardevs tho :(
Borderland gloves -> perfect spot for the stormy you put in the relic +3str at no other stat change.
And the +2 str bonus on the bracers should be better than both the +3crit on shoulders / +4crit on chest.

But that was also the only 2 things i could find ^^
So not bad atall 10/10
Just a quick question, in the chardev you have offhand as the Brutal Gladiators Slicer, If possible to get a second Warglaive would that be the better option? =]

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