Dear Alk

i'd like to see you single-handedly win a game (where the team you face completely demolishes your own team in both damage and healing) as a level 70 in the 70-79 bracket.

furthermore, do it as a rogue, the worst class to carry noobs as.

glancealot said:
i'd like to see you single-handedly win a game (where the team you face completely demolishes your own team in both damage and healing) as a level 70 in the 70-79 bracket.

furthermore, do it as a rogue, the worst class to carry noobs as.


could you teach me how to play with as much skill as that?
Then you need to talk like you are some kind of bigshit on the forums, call everyone a ''random'' , ''bad'' or ''nobody'' . Then , post pics of your team carrying you. After that, consider yourself skilled !
glancealot said:
i'd like to see you single-handedly win a game (where the team you face completely demolishes your own team in both damage and healing) as a level 70 in the 70-79 bracket.

furthermore, do it as a rogue, the worst class to carry noobs as.


well for one, you didnt win - you tied. secondly you didnt carry anyone. judging by your k/d ratio you simply waited in stealth for people low hp and died every time you didnt have a full set of cooldowns (5 times). also how is rogue a hard class to carry noobs on; you get to be in stealth and pick your targets (or avoid them in your case) where as everyone else is out in the open to get slaughtered. you also have an advantage over lvling people b/c you have double sprint and other crap to use to get flag caps where as others are screwed. so your class suites your "carrying" style perfectly.

furthermore, dont flatter your self too much. its not like your playing 79 twinks anymore.

p.s. you act like 70 arena means anything nowadays when the majority of your matches are against levelers. go play 80 if you think you are good in arenas.
you guys can say whatever you want, you are all just noobs to me unless you can show me a SS where you carry your team to a victory (against a better team).
how about you show one SS of you actually carrying a team to a victory, not a tie.

i love how you sit in judgement of every twink in the world. you bash them and laud your 'amazing' ratios all while you sit on a dead bg and play in a bracket that means nothing anymore (70). OMGBBQBLAKMIGIKIZOPOPOP!!!!TRIPLEPOSSSSSST!
Falkor said:
what in that picture shows owning noobs?

macs are fine if you feel like spending over 1k $ just on looks. but if you want power go pc

I am just using my mac cause its the my work computer and all I have.

I am running it on the new MAcbook.. with maxed out ram at 4gig and I think its like a 9400 Geforce vid card.

SO far I have had no issues and I am running on max settings and still getting about 30 fps pretty consistantly.

This will do I guess for the time being till I build a new gaming system.

P.S SOrry Falkor when I say new MAcbook I mean the new MAcbook 13" not the new MAcbook Pro
Alkaholic said:
OMG, Kry is back?!?!! I'm not that involved in the twinking scene anymore, leveled Jehuu/Alkaholic and I'm 78 now. Going 45-0 w/o a dedicated healer is fun and I have carpal tunnel from all the key binds. How have u been. Just read ur other post about using a mac. I have a Macbook Pro 15" Unibody Aluminum and WoW runs perfectly on it. Setup is cake and the only problem I have is that my videos aren't crisp and clean. I'll upload a vid for u to see an example. No fraps for the mac cause it has a built in recorder but IMO it looks like shit. Now, what was this I read about my girl coming back too? Did u 2 hook back up? Doing the friends thing?

I hated having to move back to Australia from Canada after all those years so it took me some time to settle back in back here.

Things are going awesome with work.... doing music again still full time and tones happening I will fill you in when I can catch you.

Me and your girl aren't back together either hahahaha.... although we are still best friends and talk every few days still.

In the process of trying to move and base my self in NY begining of next year so fingers crossed.

If you have MSN or anything like that let me know so I Can add you and catch up bro... miss you guys!!!

Yeah as I said to Falkor this is my studio computer and the only system I have at the moment so I am using it to play again casually.

Seems to run WOW fine even ono max settings.
im not saying a mac wont work, im just cautioning people from buying apple products (except ipods...zune seems gay). i got a cheaper more powerful hp laptop than any macbook pro and yet people still jizz over apple products and praise Jobs. im not a microsoft fanboy either...just a neutral consumer who prefers more power for a cheaper price. if mac is what you got, by all means use it!
Falkor said:
im not saying a mac wont work, im just cautioning people from buying apple products (except ipods...zune seems gay). i got a cheaper more powerful hp laptop than any macbook pro and yet people still jizz over apple products and praise Jobs. im not a microsoft fanboy either...just a neutral consumer who prefers more power for a cheaper price. if mac is what you got, by all means use it!

I understand what you mean.

I have a mac for the recording studio and I am the same I use it for WoW cause thats all I have at the moment.

I find it runs fine for Mac...... I am still getting a PC for gaming though.
You double posting and quoting the same post on the same page....struggle to think ahead 5 mins more!!........ Rtard!!!!!

I quoted the same post number yes, but you completely changed the post so I made another post quoting that. I like how you're challenging my mental capabilities when you struggle to use punctuation. So yeah...


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