Dear 80s, your king is back

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Hello fellows,
many of you know me, its awesomeyo. I was very active while cataclysm.. then mop hit, and the bracket was the worse than ever. 5.4 went online, 84s were banned so i just gave it an other try. The balance is still terrible, but anyway, thats not point of the thread. Im playing fire/resto, prolly the only fire/resto team you see in this whole expansion (with Lore, fcking awesome shaman).
Today we met a 84 (yes, 84) priest and rogue. This isnt intended, this is a exploit/bug/what ever. Yes thats right, some ppl exploit again to get a incredible huge advantage (84s vs 80s).

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We destroyed the 84 scum. You might ask yourself now? Lol, a thread to boast? not only to boast, also to blame that bad kid. His 80s twink is called Aerodynamic-Stormscale (with this weird AE).

Have a good day and remember to use every single opportunity to spit on them.
Greetings to my mate Lore.


  • WoWScrnShot_021614_224834.jpg
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cool story bro.
too bad theyre bad but haters gonna hate on people twinking the brackets they want, props 2 them for finding an exploit a la twinks getting into xp on bgs
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eu people

hey mate, last time we had different opinions about a topic (in the thread i made from my arena experience in mop) you just didnt respond anymore after a few ppl who are, just like me, way longer in this bracket than you stated that youre wrong. could you do me a favour and repeat it?
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hey mate, last time we had different opinions about a topic (in the thread i made from my arena experience in mop) you just didnt respond anymore after a few ppl who are, just like me, way longer in this bracket than you stated that youre wrong. could you do me a favour and repeat it?

no i stopped responding because you barely have a grasp on english as a language. and youre wrong
I still have no fucking clue who this guy is...

i imagine hes a colossal boner sitting in france wearing a beret, smoking a baguette, and eating a cigarette. but could be anywhere eu, doing anything eu

oliks (and other cool people) im sorry, i like you, but i think i like eu stereotypes more
i imagine hes a colossal boner sitting in france wearing a beret, smoking a baguette, and eating a cigarette. but could be anywhere eu, doing anything eu

oliks (and other cool people) im sorry, i like you, but i think i like eu stereotypes more

View attachment 3726
and this doesnt even include racism / rednecks :)

I still have no fucking clue who this guy is...
told you to read the threadtitle mate


  • Murica!!!.jpg
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View attachment 3726
and this doesnt even include racism / rednecks :)

good natured fun aside, that pic actually almost wholly typifies red necks/southerners. racism is a whole different story tho (mostly covering aforementioned red necks/southerners), but if you want to think eu is not racist, then let me start loling now
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good natured fun aside, that pic actually almost wholly typifies red necks/southerners. racism is a whole different story tho (mostly covering aforementioned red necks/southerners), but if you want to think eu is not racist, then let me start loling now

i thought we are throwing stereotypes at each other, why so serious?
Just saying, claiming to be a king in a bracket will get you people to disagree and hate, If you feel a king it doesnt mean you are.

But this discussion is Bullshit now, lets all make love not warcraft, throwing stupid arguments to eachother about stereotypes/racism doesnt make either of you right or wrong. I hate to see shit like this on a forum like this. :/
i thought we are throwing stereotypes at each other, why so serious?

not serious, just having fun. but youre saying thats w/o getting into red necks/racism when in fact thats basically only a red neck stereotype than an american one (unless all eu thinks americans are red necks?). if u wanna stereotype gotta get it rite man!
that eu is just as racist as america is just true
not serious, just having fun. but youre saying thats w/o getting into red necks/racism when in fact thats basically only a red neck stereotype than an american one (unless all eu thinks americans are red necks?). if u wanna stereotype gotta get it rite man!
that eu is just as racist as america is just true
well the pic shows guns, obesity, walmart and way too much national pride.. i dont think thats only a thing in the south
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