dealing with forum ban

Firetruckk said:
Surprised? You can't be surprised, because according to you:


EDIT: what happened to doctor house btw. i was starting to alllllmost get used to him.

By their ToS they can ban you for no reason at all.

However, by the other parts of the ToS (the parts that don't give them 100% dominance over everything), you can't be banned, but they'll do it anyway. However, you CAN appeal and it will be lifted, they probably think you're botting the AH, lots of chinese farmers do.
iaccidentallytwink said:
By their ToS they can ban you for no reason at all.

However, by the other parts of the ToS (the parts that don't give them 100% dominance over everything), you can't be banned, but they'll do it anyway. However, you CAN appeal and it will be lifted, they probably think you're botting the AH, lots of chinese farmers do.


the reality is you are bragging because "YOU" dont want to do it, "YOU" think its clunky, "YOU" decided not to try it. when others actually say fuck it, i'm putting myself back into the thing and usually i get more people, i've done it more often since 3.3 then i could ever be able to do it before it.

give it times and people will do it and if they refuse then fuck them just queue again you will easily find people wanting to accept !

its so easy now even a 2 year old kid could do it.

and again "YOU" decided to leave because its klunky and "YOU" refuse to do it because you have trouble understand how it works. so why brag about it when you are the problem and not them !

my claim stays, they just have enough of people telling them how to run their own games !
squidmagnet said:
Hey, Kaos. Let me just congratulate you on being so mean and nasty. I mean, the media feeds us this stereotype that mentally retarded people are all sweet and gentle. Your iconoclastic defiance of that stereotype sure is impressive. Good going. Hope to see you in more games.

You mad bro?
ArthurianKnight said:
the reality is you are bragging because ... why brag about it ...

What part of what I posted was "bragging?" I don't think you know what that word means.

According to you, we live in a world where people who make a product should lash out at their cutomers when they complain about a feature they don't like. Why even have a "Suggestion Forum" if not to get feedback from customers, such as to take out a mandatory part of the gear grind that is ruining the experience?
what part of "remove" or "delete that part" dont you understand ?

if you were the company making the game, would you like your customer telling you that you are making a very bad job at creating your own game, just because a few users dislikes the feature ?

by contacting a GM for them to fix the OCCULUS problem when they actually fixed it already, is insulting to begin with ! thats all i was saying. as mentionned above by my previous post, on my server since the patch, people actually do OCCULUS 100% of the time. well more like 90% of the time, and to those that says fuck it, i say try it first then you'll know how easy it is. and they usually do.

i still say you were just unlucky and refused to take action when you should. at that point you're the one to blame, not them !

oh and when did you brag ?

let me show you...


right there you bragged about how much occulus was insignificant and you completely yelled out in his face asking him to remove occulus from the game because nobody cares for it ! how else did you want him to react to such a stupid reaction ?
I got this reply from the community team.


You are free to express your concerns and opinions as long as it's done in a constructive manner. Posting in mostly caps is not a constructive manner and resulted in the suspension.

-The World of Warcraft Community Team

So I replied and aksed if I can post the exact same thing without all the caps when the ban is over.
right there you bragged about how much occulus was insignificant

You're still not using that word correctly.

"Brag" means "To glorify oneself in speech; talk in a self-admiring way."

I wasn't even talking about myself. I was talking about the instance and how it was always disappointing when it was the h daily because no one would do it. How is that "bragging?"
squidmagnet said:
You're still not using that word correctly.

"Brag" means "To glorify oneself in speech; talk in a self-admiring way."

I wasn't even talking about myself. I was talking about the instance and how it was always disappointing when it was the h daily because no one would do it. How is that "bragging?"

I am guessing AK is from a primarily French speaking part of Canada. No offense but a good chunk of them are as bad with English as myself.
oh well, i heard english people use that word often against trolling people...

i will go to bed more intelligent tonight.

i live in quebec, you cant have more french around here !

but i am better at english then my own birth language !
occ was my first random heroic. people dropped, we got replacements and cleared it fast. your all caps post was whiny and pointless. just because noobs hate occ doesnt mean "everyone" does.
Zuty said:
I was banned in-game for calling a Draenei player a Draino. Blizzard said that I "created a new racial slur."


hahahahaha, I can't believe a guy reported you for calling him Draino.

off topic, gogo 1 moar pewst and y0z has 1k pewsts!
Actually, I had just finished telling some people that the n-word was off-limits on my vent. But then one of those guys kept calling Draenai's "Drainies." So I told him that the word "Drainy" was also offlimits.
iaccidentallytwink said:
You won't get a response, and Blizzard doesn't actually read your forum posts. If you get reported, you'll most likely be banned regardless of what you actually said or meant. My old account actually got a perm forum ban a year before my perm acc ban for simply quoting a troll. Don't waste your breath or time on the official WoW Forums.

Quelfep said:

I just changed the color from Green to Red...
squidmagnet said:
EDIT: I sent an email to the wowreportedpost address and all I got was a survey email, asking me to rate the guy who never contacted me. I took out a ticket. There has to be someone at Blizz who realizes that nothing I posted meets the description under Spamming and Trolling, and that banning your customers for complaining is a bad policy.

Yeah, you did. said:
Do not post in all capital letters, use excessive punctuation, etc. This practice is used to draw attention to ones post. While everyone wants their posts read, we ask that you refrain from using sensational tactics in order to bring more people to your thread. Let your post stand on its own merit.
That is not under the Spamming and Trollign description in the link they send you when they ban you. It is some post that we supposed to magically know about, that are specific to the general discussion forum, that I did not post in. And it's not part of the forum code of conduct.
My account was forum banned about a year and a half ago for posting in the off-topic forum about D3 before it was officially announced.

Posting a thread about fucking D3... gets me permabanned from the forums.

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