Deadvulcano - WSG Video (20vs24)


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I'll be uploading it to warcraft movies after I do some more edits. You can see the video on youtube [post=524508]"if you're not in those above locations"[/post]
DV-WSG Partial Premades p1 (F2P WoW) - YouTube

I play a frost mage, and I use a lot of mouseover macros. All the clips are taken from a single match. Many 24 tears and /afks

Actually... I hope they liked it. It was a good game. Not sure why people /afk out of good games. So sad :(
At least their replacements were good :p

This was a partial premade with:

Honorary Mention:
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Thank you so much! XD

Now that I could watch it:
You are amazing, Deadvulcano. ^^
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WTB whatever graphic card you have, holy shhhhhhhhh :)
Good Job Dead. I was looking over your old vids. I rarely see mages in bg's and when I do they are arcane, so this is a nice change. 10/10 and +1 for actually making Fire look more viable than people give it credit for in one of your older vids.
I'm glad a few people like it.

I have a few more clips I could put together, but it is hard to justify making videos this close to a complete change in this bracket. I'm not really interested in putting music to my videos, but I may start commenting on my gameplay soon. What would people prefer?

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