[Damage Control] as a F2P level 20 toon

Disco Stu

anyone who has this, can you tell us how you did it?

several confirmations on wowhead that this achieve is bugged. Damage Control - Achievement - World of Warcraft

this guy Achievements - Game - World of Warcraft
claims he got it in a BG, which is mathematically impossible unless both teams agree to not assault any bases.

the guy averages 6k heals+damage combined from what i saw, sucks bad, and when confronted just says he got it in a BG and avoids answering further questions.

It's a bug. And to my knowledge, still hasn't been fixed. I've seen hunters get it when their pet is attacking while the game ends, it spikes damage. I guess healers get it by camping the healing hut. /shrug
I got it on a level 20 something shaman. All I did was guard LM and had no incs whole time. I thought healing stream totem was really op after that.. obvious glitch though.
A lot of people got it from a glitch in WotLK where if you stood in Dalaran after a Battleground you would just randomly get it.
Sorry i was late on this post,i can answer you now,cause i was in that conversation,first of all i have to say you have a dirty tongue.
Now i will continue :

This GUY answer your questions like 4 times,first of all he doesnt speak english,i was with him at skype too,second,you seem so nervous about that,you did not want to stop bothering again and again in a middle of a frikking BG.
Second,Ginallz may his 6k cause he sometimes change to ELE,i know cause he sometimes do little heals while hes ELE to my warrior,we stick together on a BG.Sucks bad?,i can asure this guy can face your hunter withou problem dude.
And about your question,yes its a bug,so what?.Are you mad?,jelly?,can't sleep at nights?.Dude this post its from february...and the thing happened on December,sick!!.

Any stupid questions from you can be solved in game,you know where we are.Hope you can sleep now

Ah and btw,clean your mouth before talk that way without knowing anything,and specially,do it to talk about him.
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isnt this that glitch where a hunters names its pet as as another player from another server and takes their dps added or something in that manner.
Well first all sorry for my english...not is my natal language.
Ginallz get the archv for a bug end ab.
I said too times '' is only a bug''.
Well disco for my u r a poor kid that can't sleep for one archv....i have a question
u got a life?
the archv dont get skillz bro ;)
btw thanks for '' , sucks bad,''
with this comment u say all ...


Sorry i was late on this post,i can answer you now,cause i was in that conversation,first of all i have to say you have a dirty tongue.
Now i will continue :

This GUY answer your questions like 4 times,first of all he doesnt speak english,i was with him at skype too,second,you seem so nervous about that,you did not want to stop bothering again and again in a middle of a frikking BG.
Second,Ginallz may his 6k cause he sometimes change to ELE,i know cause he sometimes do little heals while hes ELE to my warrior,we stick together on a BG.Sucks bad?,i can asure this guy can face your hunter withou problem dude.
And about your question,yes its a bug,so what?.Are you mad?,jelly?,can't sleep at nights?.Dude this post its from february...and the thing happened on December,sick!!.

Any stupid questions from you can be solved in game,you know where we are.Hope you can sleep now

Ah and btw,clean your mouth before talk that way without knowing anything,and specially,do it to talk about him.

It's a bug. And to my knowledge, still hasn't been fixed. I've seen hunters get it when their pet is attacking while the game ends, it spikes damage. I guess healers get it by camping the healing hut. /shrug

I think the heal bug comes from using first aid as the game ends. I was watching someone once when they did this and got the achv, but that was a few months ago so it may have been patched.
i think if your team hold flag and farm gy as a hunter u might be able to get it
lesson of the day: dont cap flag to end game
No lol. There's 2 option as I see it:
1. Either get the bug thingy
2. Be a healer class and have 1 / 2 warlocks spamming Life Tap by the resto hut.
3. Get 30 people to not cap any bases in AB.

We attempted to get enough interest for this once, and failed miserably.

The way people are getting it is from healing. For some reason heal pots and bandages bug and give some ridiculous healing number. Also, in BC and LK it would randomly be given to people that didn't even enter a BG. I also got it multiple times on the same character, that's how bugged it was. It's a stupid achievement you can get in a single GCD at 85 and takes forever on a low level.

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