dagger rogue viable?

Orebrb said:
Not another Dagger viable thread


I asked a question that I wanted an answer for, before this now gets out of hand. I have requested a mod to close this. If you don't have anything constructive to bring to my topics when I ask questions, then don't make remarks like the quote above.


there are alot of rogues that use daggers, just most players look at them with the MEH attitude and treat shadowfangs as if the only I WIN solution.
daggers aint bad... but they aint good either :), have you ever white swung a 2.8 1h on a rogue lately? it ****ing hits as hard as back stab
have used 2 BOA maces they hit rather hard too, never have had a OH attack hit like a AMB
backstab may not bring more damage but it does have waylay which increases your time on target, you can also slow efc supporters or efc itself. With waylay up is way easier to backstab also.
danceparty said:
its pretty easy to get behind someone once you learn the right movements.

ALLL RIGHT!! Giggity giggity...
It's viable. You just need to know how to play it, iv seen it used efficiently in BGs before.
Most dagger rogues are bad opener's but a skilled one chooses the right time to come in with burst. I almost 90% of the time will finish an EFC from ~40% with my opener. I'm a avid dagger rogue and I personally think it preforms better under most circumstances in a WSG. I would even say a skilled/geared dagger rogue on a team can be game changing when it comes to killing an EFC, I know i've been.
in my experience:

1 daggers do less damage then sf at anytime, except when the flagcarrier is running away giving you his back for multiple backstabs

2 daggers are less bursty becouse their attack is faster (and they dont proc shadow damage)

3 equipping two knives is useless

4 suggestion: keep a knife with 15 agility in your backpack, a macro to swap mainhand knife into backstab and a macro with sinister strike that equips sf
keis80 said:
in my experience:

1 daggers do less damage then sf at anytime, except when the flagcarrier is running away giving you his back for multiple backstabs

2 daggers are less bursty becouse their attack is faster (and they dont proc shadow damage)

3 equipping two knives is useless

4 suggestion: keep a knife with 15 agility in your backpack, a macro to swap mainhand knife into backstab and a macro with sinister strike that equips sf

i tried it on my oldschool rogue wiht 2x ab a while ago and its shit against anybody that can cc you.....everybody....but if your in a grp of ppl or figting ppl that suck its nice. stealth opener-2x mutilate- eviscrate is insane dmg.

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