Indeed, you can see only 1 more dmg on spells tooltips, but... if you don't have it, download Dejacharacter stat and see how low is your damage range with daggers in MH comparatively to 2.60 or higher speed weapons.Thanks for testing. I confirmed last night with heirloom as well, it is really really close. Kinda of odd. It looks like the sword MH was 1 point of damage higher on a few abilities.
Also, just do a 1mn auto hit fight with dagger or sword/axe... You will see a difference, even if you're not using Mok or Cudgel.
To give you an example, this is my damage ranges, exactly same gear, no buffs, stones or weapon dmg enchant on any wep':
_with dagger MH and Dragon's call OH: 69 min dmg - 75 max dmg
_with Ironfoe MH and Dragons's call OH: 102 min dmg - 107 max dmg
_with Mok MH and Dragon's call OH: 148 min dmg - 143 max dmg
Btw, using a dagger as OH is okay since you can have more poisons proc, that's why u can see max lvl Outlaws using a dagger as OH, but it doesn't work with mastery, which is normalized with speed attack, that means that you will have the same amount of mastery proc in one minute by using swords or daggers. That's why you actually never will see a Outlaw with mastery in his gear (except the ones who have equiped mastery pieces to obtain their domination bonus set from raid gear since this bonus is absolutely bis or just for ilvl, what is a sta/agi up), or with a dagger in MH btw. I know the stats scale differently from a 60 character to a level 20 one, but the system based on is the same.
To say it shorter: Mastery on a 20 outlaw can be nice, but it wont work better with daggers, OH or MH.
The only benefit that you can have from using a dagger as OH is more OH enchantment proc if poisons can make them proc.
I hope that i have been clear enough, my eng is pretty bad
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