Currently listening to... - Part 3!

how do you listen to this fucking shit? christ i almost jumped out my fucking window when i turned it on. what a disgrace to music.

Metal isn't for everybody. Just because you dislike it doesn't make a genre (An underrated genre at that), shitty, though it's just an opinion of mine just like what you said is an opinion.

Metal isn't a disgrace to music, though. Compare it to techno. At least you have to learn instruments to play metal, such as learning a guitar to its full potential, learn to drum to its full potential, and, believe it or not, the growling vocals (Not screamo, screamo is shit punk), takes generally a lot of skill to pull off, some would argue more skill than clean singing (Though skill doesn't always equal it being good.)

Not for everybody, I understand, but a lot of the world is blind about metal because of the media, mainly.

Not trying to convince you or anything, but a lot of people who dislike extreme metal (Metal with growling), like this band below, Sigh, if that helps. :p (Avantgarde jazzy black metal.)
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Metal isn't for everybody. Just because you dislike it doesn't make a genre (An underrated genre at that), shitty, though it's just an opinion of mine just like what you said is an opinion.

Metal isn't a disgrace to music, though. Compare it to techno. At least you have to learn instruments to play metal, such as learning a guitar to its full potential, learn to drum to its full potential, and, believe it or not, the growling vocals (Not screamo, screamo is shit punk), takes generally a lot of skill to pull off, some would argue more skill than clean singing (Though skill doesn't always equal it being good.)

Not for everybody, I understand, but a lot of the world is blind about metal because of the media, mainly.

Not trying to convince you or anything, but a lot of people who dislike extreme metal (Metal with growling), like this band below, Sigh, if that helps. :p (Avantgarde jazzy black metal.)

Ecstatic Transformation - YouTube

you make several good points. I am a classic rock kind of guy so my biggest issue with metal is (in my opinion) a gaping lack of musical talent compared to the arduous guitar solos and brilliant lyricism of classic rock. as you can guess, I also despise techno for this same reason. Anyway, one mans trash is anothers treasure i suppose. To each his own.
you make several good points. I am a classic rock kind of guy so my biggest issue with metal is (in my opinion) a gaping lack of musical talent compared to the arduous guitar solos and brilliant lyricism of classic rock. as you can guess, I also despise techno for this same reason. Anyway, one mans trash is anothers treasure i suppose. To each his own.

To each his own indeed, but to put perspective onto musical talent, there are hundreds of subgenres of metal, ranging from soft to brutal, to melodic to noise, thousands of lyrical themes and cultures with their own twists on the genre.

Metal is the off-spring of classic hard rock and the blues.

I will agree on one thing, most modern metal (A whopping 60% of it anyways), is garbage radio bands trying to sell out.

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