Current state of the bracket


Hello again, all.

I've been getting tired of the hell-grind that is the LoL ranked system, and was considering jumping back into 24's. Could you guys give me some thoughts on the current state of the bracket, what spec is OP and why, and where spriests are sitting?

I'm not likely to play anything except this toon, just wanted an overview of what I would be running into.

Thanks in advance.
The state is, it's very active. In general most 24s are semi nice to each other and most of us play ally and horde. If you are looking for top notch competition it's not gonna be found here, but occasionally there will be a gem. So if you love lowbie pvp and twinking and playing anytime you want 24 hours a day with queue times faster than xp on at same level then welcome aboard.
OP Toons anything but fury warrior and restro or enchantment shamans..
Frost mage is very op right now as well.. i''m sure more less tired people could make a better list..
Cool, thanks metro for the update. I think I recall some games against u in the past. Good to hear it hasn't changed too much, apart from the enchants.

May see u all on the battlefield again soon.
everythings pretty good as long as ur playing it right. rshaman is good with a solid and full geared build w/ good player behind it. wouldnt make sense to play fury over arms or prot or enh over ele or resto tho
With so many f2p's brackets really active! its great and really fun! a good spriest can ruin the comp hardcore..they r great! welcome aboard =) times!
dont play a class just because it's OP though.

Even weak classes like enhancement shaman can be viable if well played

this was in 5.3 and with the new enchants making other classes better, I can only see it making enhance shaman better off in 5.4 than it was in 5.3.

I played enhance a little bit in 5.3 and i found it surprisingly good. I've yet to try it in 5.4, but its on my agenda, i think it could be more than viable with elemental force
The state is, it's very active. In general most 24s are semi nice to each other and most of us play ally and horde. If you are looking for top notch competition it's not gonna be found here, but occasionally there will be a gem. So if you love lowbie pvp and twinking and playing anytime you want 24 hours a day with queue times faster than xp on at same level then welcome aboard.

This. It's always busy and alliance que times aren't as long anymore :)
Yeah, I'm not gonna roll anything else, I just like to target the FotM players... let the air out of their tyres a bit :)

I've always liked enh shamans, might see what they're like eventually.

My mate loves arms, so he should be a happy little dwarf too.

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