Current state of 70s


Hello everyone,

I havn't played 70 in quite a few months and i was wondering if someone could give me an update on how things currently stand. I quit around the time they lowered the value of resil and people switched to stam i think? So a few questions:

- Is 70 still 70 or are there people at 74 now?
- How is the team situation, as i understand it you don't have teams anymore but rating is individual or something?
- How is damage/healing atm? Is it somewhat playable?
- What classes are viable?
- How active are things?
Hello there :D

Is 70 still 70 or are there people at 74 now?
It was 72 or 74 for a while, but it got hotfixed
How is the team situation, as i understand it you don't have teams anymore but rating is individual or something?
yup. kinda old change but ye, no more teams. Also you can't inspect peoples losses, which sucks :c
How is damage/healing atm? Is it somewhat playable?
Playable yes. Healers are still rly good and with more assist dmg than ever
What classes are viable?
In current meta pretty much all classes are viable (maybe except monk, although mw is pretty good), which is kewl
How active are things?
2s and 3s pop as they used to; pretty much all the time.
bg ques are shit atm though, ranging from 10 minutes to 3 hours xd
Thanks for the quick reply :)
Regarding what you said about not being able to inspect losses. Does this mean you can't see people's winratio anymore?
Also one more question, which server is most active atm, and is it horde or alliance?

You can only see wins and rating, so if someone has a shitton of wins but low rating, you know they lost a lot of games.

Servers are stormscale horde and argent dawn alliance
You can only see wins and rating, so if someone has a shitton of wins but low rating, you know they lost a lot of games.

Servers are stormscale horde and argent dawn alliance

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Ps. WW + MW are extremely viable, so I don't know what you're chattin.

Ps. Cross server arena, any server is fine
Ps. WW + MW are extremely viable, so I don't know what you're chattin.

From my experience ww is still pretty shit. But then again we don't have a single pvp monk on this realm.

Yes you can play arena x-realm, but if you wanna be a part of a twinking community and maybe join a guild, going on a server with lots of twinks is usually a good idea.

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