Curious about level squish thoughts...

If they squish as hard as they said they were thinking about (halving the levels) then starter accounts and allied races and mounts and all that would presumably become level 10 with a cap at 10. I'd assume. As as long as they hold true to "we're not gonna change your ilvl or reduce your abilities, we're just halving the levels so each level feels special" then Im 100% cool with it.

But what happens if starter account cap stays at 20? do I level and hope they dont go "oops, we meant to keep that at ten"? Would that mean I'd lose access to my toon OR would that mean I'd have a grandfathered f2p 20? ITS ALL SO CONFUSING!

19s though. Theyd become what... level 9? Assuming again that they halve everything, BGs would start at lvl 5 (again, assuming here) so I think theyd be safe. But what happens if Blizzard decides to be "kind" in their rounding and round up on people levels. Do 19s become 10s as well?
9 xpacs ÷ 60 level cap.....i predict the 1-60 vanilla model gets thrown out the window.

Currently 50% of leveling can be done in the original game content. I imagine they want that spread out more evenly per xpac. IMO the level squish is a good excuse to do it

Hmm, squish all the Vanilla content into 1-20, and have each expansion cover 5 levels?

Vanilla: 1-20
The Burning Crusade: 20-25
Wrath of the Lich King: 25-30
Cataclysm: 30-35
Pandaria: 35-40
Warlords of Draenor: 40-45
Legion: 45-50
Battle for Azeroth: 50-60 (or 50-55 and next expansion at 55-60)

This hypothetical scenario will most likely cost a lot in the form of cut content, so now we have another excuse to finish all available quests on each character.

I wonder about having squished retail Vanilla content be available for free (if they keep Starter Edition level cap at 20) along side Classic servers as another incentive for people to subscribe. That would actually be a business-savvy move to not piss of twinks, just force them to pay monthly for Classic Realm access where most of the action will be.

I don't know how I feel about this speculative squish...
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if classic does get squished down to 20, then the old 20 will be the new 6.67 or round up to 7. hopefully they dont keep starter edition cap at such an uneven number, so if they bring it up to 10, that will be the old 30.

i dont think they would keep starter edition at 20 if they do squish classic to 20. vets will be running around with sulfuras and thunderfury, f2p wont be able to level up the required professions

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