CTRLALTSHEEP killed in car crash.

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he was truly a legend
Never talked to him personally - but played against him more times than I can remember..incredible player. You see posts like this and almost hope for them to turn out to be someone trolling. Very unfortunate to see someone taken away so young =( RIP sheep... good games!
R.i.P sheep, will be deeply missed :(

Vengeance number one for as long as i can remember

until next time bro :)
Watching those videos provided for some great memories Goma, thanks.

RIP Sheep & Aspect of the Monkey Glyph
This sucks alot. Really sad to hear about it.

RIP Sheep = /
Really really sad. I was sad to see him quit the game let alone this. Sheep was an amazing player, an amazing guy with a great personality and easily one of the nicest people i met playing this game. Heartbreaking news, my thoughts go out to him and his family. RIP sheep. We'll all miss you. Truly, a legend.

- muskie/miraged


(only a year ago.)

RIP sheep.
sheep was easily one of the best people i've met over this game and it makes me physically sick that i'll never see or talk to him again. he was one of my favorite people to talk to about the game or life in general. it really hits home to me because i'm his age and i could relate to him so easily. he definitely did not deserve this and i'm still in shock that this even happened.
Goma said:
sheep was easily one of the best people i've met over this game and it makes me physically sick that i'll never see or talk to him again. he was one of my favorite people to talk to about the game or life in general. it really hits home to me because i'm his age and i could relate to him so easily. he definitely did not deserve this and i'm still in shock that this even happened.

goma, i hear you so loud man.

the song is too fitting, but im almost afraid to listen to it now =\

Thought I'd share one of my favorite songs that reminded me of when a good friend of mine passed away just over 3 years ago.

Only a few know that my 1st twinks were actually Qualixx & Coca, but when my college buddy passed away during our senior year I decided to use his gamertag he had used in other games to "honor" him. His last name was Mazurek + he loved sports cars/motorcycles, so he that's where he got [\/]azurati from. Hence where I get my name that I still use to this date.

Sheep was cool and I remember when he 1st came to Dominate, I bought most his gear and ran him through instances helping him out. He was always grateful and when he went to Rampage and made a guild on Cho'gall and I was there as well. Taught me a lot of tricks over the time and it was a pleasure knowing him.

He was definitely one of the best out there.

Hope you Rest In Piece <3
Was in quite the state of shock after hearing about this. Didn't personally know you but you were such a pain in the ass to play against. Sucks to see this happen at such a young age. Rip dude

Holy shit Maz........long time no see.....:( damn R.I.P. Sheep....OG Dominate.
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