<Cthun is Harder than LK> 60 Twink Raiding / PvP Guild [Horde] [Ruin BG]

Any spots open?

Hi, me, my friend, and girlfriend, all of whom own Wotlk accounts are making new classic accounts and doing RaF. I give it a day before were 60, would a spot be open for us if we made them in your realm?

p.s. were open to any classes
Sweet, I was planning on that anyway, to use the random dugeons to level all the way, one tank, one heals, one dps, instant ques. I'll send you a tell when I make the characters, should be 60 by sunday :)
hey bro, either me and friend will be doing RAF or i'm just going to dual box RAF accounts and make 2 level 60 twinks. I am wanting to do a disc/holy priest and a ret paladin. If we were to roll on this server and join guild, anyway someone could spare us some gold for training + mounts until we get a reasonable amount of income to pay back? Lmk, seriously interested.
priest would be nice, but if your going to be on a capped account you cannot be a paladin since we are horde ;D
How many warriors do you have? thinkin bout xfering, but not sure. Would prolly be dps, he's alrdy geared and shit w/ DEoI and a lot of gear. He's on a bc accnt so i can't pvp, but i'll just duel and world pvp.
srry for the double post. I also have a prot set so i can ot if needed, but i also have a 61 geared druid that has a full resto set, or feral set. Idk if since he's 61 you don't want him, but i'll still only use 50 talent points and i don't get any new abilities at 61. So if you're tight on heals i can xfer ma druid over instead of ma warr.
hey, no to the druid since hes 61, but yes to the warrior.

We could use a good warrior dps / OT for fights like vael and golemagg.
I may have to wait a lil since i have to buy game time today, but i will try to get the xfer as soon as possible. Around how many wars do you have, and how does loot work?
we have a handful of warriors, but only 1 warrior dps, and he OT half of the time.

Loot right now is upgrade / roll 100 main, /roll 25 offspec. But I might swap to lootcouncil soon
Your site says that you're only accepting pre bc accnts. Well my warr is on a bc accnt. Should i just not xfer at all, or do you really need warr dps? Like i said before, he's fully geared w/ mostly aq40 gear and a DEoI. So plz get back to me if you want me to xfer even tho i don't have a pre bc accnt.
If you got the gear capacity I'll take non capped characters who are geared. Just don't want a massive income of non capped people who have shit gear and we have to baby feed them wasting gear
Ill try to get the xfer in a couple of days. I need to finish 2 papers by the 6th of August, ill get back to you.

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