CRZ Sporting Event - Sunday after Fishing

I am ready for Gnomeball! I would prefer:

  • ... Sunday, August 4, after fishing (4 p.m. PST).

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i will be from bwl
Since Iron Gnome looks pretty vacant, I suppose I could be a stand-in gnomekeeper.

I took a summer course on gnomekeeping :)

Or... I could level a gnome warrior :O

Might just do one variant, it's okay if we don't get every role filled tomorrow. :)

But would like at least one more ele sham!

If we don't manage it satisfactorily tomorrow we will just try again before 5.4 hits. :)

Billow get your computer fixed! D:

Spectators welcome. :)
Pixle is ready to go, I just want to get her some goggles. Eye protection is important. Safety first!
My cold has gotten really bad since yesterday, I have a fever and I am really nauseous, can't play. :(

Either someone else manages to try this with the people who signed up or we will have to reschedule.

Kibbies cannot access accout and has to drop out as well. :/

I'm very disappointed too, I was so happy that you all were going to make this happen. :( Looked forward to a flying Pixie!

I want to definitely get people together to try when I am better and will ppost in a few days.
I'm still up for this if everyone else wants to give it a go, I just need to get crossrealmed and ported to the arena. Pixle even got her LFH today (on the 5th cast of the 1st pool! (Don't hate.)) so the Safety Goggles are in place!

I'd like to suggest that if you signed up, please post here saying yes or no on whether you still want to give this a try Yde-lessly.
Yde, I hope you're starting to feel better. Is there any chance we could do this on Saturday instead of Sunday? Saturdays seem to have been good so far for XRealm events.
Yde, I hope you're starting to feel better. Is there any chance we could do this on Saturday instead of Sunday? Saturdays seem to have been good so far for XRealm events.
Sick as a dog but it can't last forever. Hope I'll be over it in a few more days. ;_;

I won't mind a Saturday, but the regular world event is on then. Don't want times to overlap.
I won't mind a Saturday, but the regular world event is on then. Don't want times to overlap.

What event are you referring to? The last one I saw posted about was this past Saturday, not this coming Saturday.
I do not mind if this is on saturday. You can set a time or we could just do it after the WPvP is over.
Yde, it would be very cool if you could work out an arrangement with Kochist for Saturday so that I can come play too... if you aren't able to and it happens on Sunday, it's cool I understand, but I won't be able to come due to that prior commitment.

I may look into the Saturday CRZ main event as well; I'm rusty, but I bet I'd still have fun.
Saturday would be lovely and if I'm not back on my feet by then I will CRAWL and use my lightning shield to invigorate myself and punt some gnomes.. :)

I will attach a poll so people can verify their sign up and show what time would be possible for them.
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