Quelfep said:I do. i was just saying. Funny that they did that exploring to cover it up
why do you always think people is trying to cover everything up ? he is reverred with ogri'la, big deal... it's straight forward enought... you doesn't need to have done Harvard to know that he have it... if anybody needs to cover anything that's an insult to GMs...they know more about our characters that us, owners do... this thing is no news, it exist since 2 years... we are almost in cataclysm, 2 expansions later, with twinks chocking to death, close to exctinction and they are gonna "nerf" something from BC, an old little expansion...
I understand they nerfed the trinket from Shatari Skyguards, but listen carefully, that nerf almost happened over night... ok ? And more importantly it was SO eazy to get by then it was criminal, AND it was an epic item, AND they did that mainly to protect their precious little 70s... "what ? we have a shiny new epic item for us casual gamers, that lvl 1s can get ? what an insult"... answer "no no look we nerf it right now"... they just dont want lvl 1 to have epics, besides tabards and shirts maybe... AND by then there was no exp bg, so it was mainly to keep a little sanity inside low level battlegrounds, where obviously theses days are over...
Now it's like we are 2 years later, no nerf, there wont be thats are insulting blizzard so much, if you think they have not asked themself the question, or they didnt have anybody making ingame tickets, or or or... (and I can say all that again for the kalu'ak hat) actually it even contribute at making this wonderfully designed event ALIVE, the same way twinks kept Gurubashi arena alive by farming AGM (before of course achievs pros started to join)
I'm pretty sure Blizzard have a maccro that pops every single object of reputation that requires lvl 1... so it's no secret state that this item is on that list....
HoolioGonzalez said:At least the more we get this out there, the higher the chances of this trinket getting banned.
For the last time, I'll stand by it to the grave, there is no special reunion at Blizzard around a table about old stuff like that, and twinks balance, or even low level pvp balance... you always think they care about you but they don't, stop being self centered...