
Kore nametooshort said:
Wait, what?! your second statement made lots of sense but the first one was completely off the cheeseboard! Unless of course my sarcasm detector is faulty again.

If lets say you're fighting a druid FC with alot of healers and he may perhaps have debuff up then crusader in mainhand is afaik more dps than fiery if I am not wrong. It adds 100 AP, which boosts both your weapons and your attacks.

The reason crusader is bad is because in most situations you can't stay on your target for the whole duration.
iaccidentallytwink said:
Using undisputable math:

(LS||Fiery) > Agility > Crusader


No, I wouldn't waste my time trolling >.>, look at my topics posted

Edit: Hai reflexes
Doffe said:
If lets say you're fighting a druid FC with alot of healers and he may perhaps have debuff up then crusader in mainhand is afaik more dps than fiery if I am not wrong. It adds 100 AP, which boosts both your weapons and your attacks.

The reason crusader is bad is because in most situations you can't stay on your target for the whole duration.

Yeah i realise that staying on the enemy is the problem, thats the crux of my other post. A smart shaman will run away, and if a druid or his team mates let you stay on him when sader procs then hes doing it wrong. Chances are that the druid will still have at least one of either bash, stomp or grasp usable when sader procs and if not theres always castable roots. Its just doesnt seem nearly as effective as fiery against an FC, unless ofcourse theyre running about with a flame detector, in which case LS/Unholy(post 3.3) would be better.

Would sader really do more dmg assuming you stuck to a debuffed FC than fiery? Sounds like an interesting set of maths but it would probably have too many assumptions, to my mind, to be as reliably effective as fiery.
Doesn't matter what I'm doing, if I see someone's sader proc and they're within range I'll put a gouge on em.

Mostly just to piss them off, but also to give my friends a chance to get out of mele range.
yeah crusader is less dps then fiery even while consistently on a target. Back in the day it was seriously mocked because ppl would dodge your attacks w/ tht procced. Now tht they have patched MWing and nerfed dodge to no end its better, but not BiS.
Kore nametooshort said:
Yeah i realise that staying on the enemy is the problem, thats the crux of my other post. A smart shaman will run away, and if a druid or his team mates let you stay on him when sader procs then hes doing it wrong. Chances are that the druid will still have at least one of either bash, stomp or grasp usable when sader procs and if not theres always castable roots. Its just doesnt seem nearly as effective as fiery against an FC, unless ofcourse theyre running about with a flame detector, in which case LS/Unholy(post 3.3) would be better.

Would sader really do more dmg assuming you stuck to a debuffed FC than fiery? Sounds like an interesting set of maths but it would probably have too many assumptions, to my mind, to be as reliably effective as fiery.

Very often I have no problem sticking to my target when zerging down the efc, and a rogue is probably not their biggest problem :p I have dual wield fiery on my shadowfangs but I do indeed see a use for crusader but only in a few situations.

I am no good with maths, but I am sure there is a reason why top end pve rogues at 60 put Crusader on their mainhand weapon.

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