crit warrior


Has anyone ever got there crit up to around 33.33% on there warrior for 1/3 crits? Was thinking about gearing up my warrior like this although I still have alot of work to do. This chardev isn't taking into account the Earthbound Girdle of the Soldier so the main stats would really be:

1323 health

32.58% crit

269 Ap

with Elixir of Giant Growth and Scroll of Strength II attack power would be at 295 in wsg.

What are your thoughts? Best dps warrior or would 25% crit with higher stamina and AP be better?

character planner . r[/url]
Actually, you forgot to put your skinning to 225, so you'll be at 33.89% crit.
my m8 has got one

my m8 has a crit worior who is almost maxed, he is epicly op, rouges run away from him in fear.
If I were to re-profession, from mining -> skinning, I'f get 29% crit on my warrior, with 271 UB (309 self buffed) AP and 1463 hp. 10 hit rating.

Anything above 30% crit I recon would be somewhat of a waste to other stats. (Only reason I still got mining, is cus I spend like 3k getting it. Lols.

PS: Anyone know if skinning bug still works? If so, please tell :) Havn't done it in ages.
Replace one ring with simple pearl, replace the spidersilk cloak with soldier satchel and you'll have more slightly more hit and more crit for a loss of 20hp.
Can't crit if you don't hit. Remember that.
Grunge said:
Can't crit if you don't hit. Remember that.

you don't think 11 hit's enough with stained shadowcraft tunic, spidersilk drape and charmed ancient bone bow? No nelfs on horde side ;)
With my Bind on Accounts equipped my warrior is at 36% Crit and ~1350HP. Once I finish skinning I'll be at 37% Crit. Use what I have adding Polished Shoulders/Breastplate of Valor (+4 Stats), Bloodied Arcanite Reaper (+25 Agility), and the Charmed Ancient Bonebow (+2 Scope). Using a hit potion, you're Hit capped at 11 and have a high Crit chance.
37.13% crit

This is all the crit I could get without epicly gimping anything.

The max amount of crit I was able to get was 40.09% but that put your hit rating at 2.
How much does rallying cry give, I forget
Grunge said:
How much does rallying cry give, I forget

Uh. Last I checked (i r guessing because on chardev its really wrong) its like 20 - 30% iirc...
You sir have defeated the purpose of this thread.

He wants the character hit capped :p

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