Crit vs Strenght (Arms Warrior)


Hi, I was wondering if anyone has done any calculations about the stat weights on crit vs strenght for arms warrior at lvl 85. Seeing as crit will multiply your allready existing dmg from the high item lvls you can use at 85 + the strong weapons (referring to Sun-Lute and Spear of Xuen). While strenght provides raw dmg that will be added to your allready existing high dmg from beforehand.
Roll with Strength. Crit does not scale like it does on 90. It scales rather crappy on 85. Stat priority is Strength -> Crit -> Mastery (imo) -> Haste (imo) (Not including PvP Power/Resil)

This would be for PvP. Wether you choose mastery over haste or the other way around is more preference I believe.
yeah, i know about the normal priority, but seeing as the weapon dmg is so high crit might be more viable than strenght. Anyways i was wondering if anyone has acctually done some real testing that could provide some statistics (stat weight) like normally for lvl 90 it would be the list below allthough this would change too depending on the gear the lvl 90 has:

Hit Chance (0% - 7.5%) - 5.92
Expertise (0% - 7.5%) - 4.10
Strength - 3.07
Critical Rating - 1.74
Attack Power - 1.40
Mastery Rating - 1.29
Haste Rating -1.28

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