crit stacking bal druid


would it be better to stack sp on a bal druid or to stack crit similar to a ele shami ?
Velcro said:
Stack crit, because non-criticals are weaker than a huntards auto-shot.

You want a good amount of SP though too since starsurge scales so well with sp. However, because you lack interrupts most of your kills come from crits.
I heard read in trade 1 day before the patch that balance is getting nerfed is this true i have not seen a balance druid on in the fields since they disployed the patch.
Even with the starsurge nerf balance Druids are still very viable, although we are as squishy as a wet paper bag we can still put out alot of dps if played and positioned correctly,

I don't really see many in the glutch either apart from rivfader and myself

Enter number 1 babyboomkin aus and us :p
Velcro said:
Is there a class that balance can solo, if there is... how?

so i hear those warriors are very rootable?
Velcro said:
Is there a class that balance can solo, if there is... how?

Warrys and shammys, but they're pretty UP. Other than that you can solo rogues without CDs up. Really though, if you're in a 1v1 as a balance druid just run away, hardcasting against melee lets them close gaps so you have to MF them down which takes long enough that their teammates will show up, most ranged will outdps you, and healers will stay alive lOng enough for help to arrive.
chíll said:
so i hear those warriors are very rootable?

I've only ran into a few of those, mostly inside. They got the opener & killed me fast. I imagine that if i did get them in the right set of circumstances the warrior shouldn't touch me, but that hasn't happened yet. I've only been playing Babybelly for a short time with few queue pops, so any and all info is gold to me, thanks!!

Killing shaman? Seems so weird. The last time I played drood the opposite was true w/ purge & eb.
Velcro said:
I've only ran into a few of those, mostly inside. They got the opener & killed me fast. I imagine that if i did get them in the right set of circumstances the warrior shouldn't touch me, but that hasn't happened yet. I've only been playing Babybelly for a short time with few queue pops, so any and all info is gold to me, thanks!!

Killing shaman? Seems so weird. The last time I played drood the opposite was true w/ purge & eb.

Use minor speed on boots and don't let the warry charge. You can also hard cast roots agaist them since they have no interrupt.

Shamans have such shit heals that if you put them on defensive early you've won. Use regrowth instead of rejuv to heal, just make sure to fake the windshear. Also, abuse aquarius belt if you have it.
How do you survive a rogues opener? I've dueled quite a few of them (there are plenty around these days), but have such little time to escape. I've tried bear form to no avail. Kitty form only to get sapped. I often end up dead before I can even think of casting roots.
Velcro said:
How do you survive a rogues opener? I've dueled quite a few of them (there are plenty around these days), but have such little time to escape. I've tried bear form to no avail. Kitty form only to get sapped. I often end up dead before I can even think of casting roots.

Aquarius belt plus a rejuv is really all you can do. If you can eat them ambush>evisc is bear then that is ideal. A rogue with ShS and sprint up should be able to kill you though. even if you try to fake the kick you will probably die in the time it takes to fake the kick and then cast roots.

A little tip for casting rejuv:

Starting in travel form, cast rejuv then jump and shift back into travel form as soon as the GCD is up. If timed right you should never slow down because the only time you spend out of form you are airborn at 40% increased speed. This works better when heading downhill and not at all when heading uphill.

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