Counter strike totem


Even tho I dont have legion( will never buy another blizzard product again)

The cool thing legion brought is that counter strike totem can troll ppl with kind of spell

Its like Karma kind of and thats the very cool part, and lets face it when have you EVER had inbreds stop dpsing when you or anyone has karma on(in 140k HKs of shit bgs i've never seen anyone stop lol)
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Lol I mean there's already shield of vengeance for paladins, that piece of shit hits for 700+k when it breaks
Lol I mean there's already shield of vengeance for paladins, that piece of shit hits for 700+k when it breaks
LOL I get so annoyed watching people dps a pally with SoV up and they do it all the time. It's so obvious, even more so than a giant white symbol above your head like karma. As far as counter strike totem and all totems for that matter; my advice to everyone who hasn't played a shaman is to roll one for a few days and you'll learn to target those totems almost as soon as they're going to need to with earthbind coming soon to the most popular brackets. babble babble bla bla bla etc.

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