Cost of a 70 twink?

spent over 100k on my char, but that is mainly buying crap + lvling engi 5 times for synapse. Can make a really good twink for 20k , + spent like 10k on all the 85s boosting me in sunwell + bt ect.

Okay, I'll transfer over with 20k once im geared. Nice picture btw ^^
i spent zero gold on my warrior rofl srubs. ive got like 3-5k from my war lol.

minning + skinning till you lvlup, farm a few more after you are 70 if you need to.

drop proffs and get a free eng and leatherw.

buy JP from honor from the other full honor capped twinks get free gems in dalaran. friend JC (or just pay 100g to someone)

save greens from the tbc and wotlk drops/proffs when you lvlup em.

friend enchanter D/E'd items, you get full chants.

make your own sunwell / bt raids (if you are not retarded and know how to use /who mage 85).



who sells JP cap worth of gems for 100g. You gotta find someone stupid.


Many people don't like to run raids with 70's. It server dependent. High pop server is easier.
it dependent on what can you offer.

/who class 85

ctrl+c Hello, do you wanna run SUNWELL RAID with us? (achiev, gear for transform, (reputation if BT), fun.)

ctrl+v to the every 85 lvl class who isnt in the raid.


i have 2+ BT and sunwell raids per a week, for nothing. (for sure if i need a tier i just dont inv the classes who can roll on it, and if i only need the glaives or apollyon ill do the same).

i dont care about gold or JP so i am gonna spend em on the shit that i rly need, and ill be fine.

i have enough of gold from my raids to get the potions and flask with food.

also i have the only one mount on every class cuz it doesnt matter.

who sells JP cap worth of gems for 100g. You gotta find someone stupid.

Well, people *do* sell the justice point booties. 1650 JP For them, if memory serves.

Find somebody to sell the boots for 200-400 or so, Have them buy 7 Wotlk grade gems instead.

Isn't always a reliable way, but hey, usually find several people who just want to get rid of their JP, can also offer to summon to dalaran, to make it go smoother.
You can make a very good twink for next to nothing depending on your 85's professions.

I've spent nothing on gems or enchants due to having a DE and honor gear maxed 85. My rogue was a 49 twink with LW which I kept and skinning maxed which eventually I'll drop for engineering. Personally speaking I think the most underestimated professions are LW for melee and inscription for anyone. I think either are superior to JC. Engineering though? You can't really top it.

Since I always have a max level miner engineering is just a time investment which I have been unwilling to make since I have done engineering 3 different times on 3 toons and am too lazy to want to do again.

If I spent 500g gearing my rogue I'd be shocked. However the stuff I've bought like mounts, bank space, max level/cold weather flying, bags etc. and vanity stuff you're looking at a good amount of change personally speaking I'm guesstimating 10k. That's all vanity stuff on my part though. You can gear a twink for practically nothing.
i have tcg stuff
but i use em on my 10 ;(
Wow thanks for all of the responses. I think I should leave with at least 10k for vanity items. Also thanks for being kind, <3 you guys
When i started first 70 twinking/heard about twinkinfo i heard tazik shocker was the best.. so i lvled my 70 rogues eng *full burtal/greens lol* And i got snyapse and i was sooo bummed out i contacted gm and everything and 1 day l8r i found out that it did 480 aglity instead of 480 int *what the bugged tooltip said* .. i /facepalm
For my mage I spent about 8-9k on proffs, maybe 2k total on all the gem/chant mess arounds I do, and another 5k for incidentals

I can't think of a good use to put cash on anymore for my mage, just keeps racking up throughout raids and crap.

Also, who buys 85s to run through swp/bt? o_O
tell a guild your reckful get screenies off site and show them get free funding then fail at it and level OR spend as much as it takes and put the time and effort into making it perfect
You can get gems NP from doing bgs turning honor into JP and buying the uncut ones in dal and just finding a JC with wrath cuts you only need to tip them like 90g for 1-5 cuts I normaly tip them like 200g for 20 cuts and then im set. enchanting scrolls are.. well i've seen some weapon enchants sell for 1kg and stuff like +16 agil to boots for 600g
Twinking will cost you alot of Gold ranging from 10k if your lucky to whatever amount you need for tazak and other things you desire. However the day you become an arena master and/or have a long exposure to the egotistical young community, your grammer seems to suffer over time, you suddenly grow to hate "scrubs", becoming so horny over loot. You also become a volcano of hate, spewing out insults to other players calling them noobs. For example; you start saying the words "Brah" "Bro" "aite bro" for some reason. Correct me if i'm wrong but it seems to prove itself when your on the horde faction. Suddenly Arena master moron evolves into a internet warrior, as if he's become a want-to-be gangster, even though he's a pastey white 14-1x year old kid. Here's a link to what they aspire to be.

Don't get me wrong though this is only a minority, there are plenty of good and nice players, in regards to cost well, it highly depends on you. For those who don't understand i mean the social costs of twinking.

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