Corrupted Ashbringer Transmog & More..

Honestly, You should get a skype or something to get people to contact you, Or pm's on here,
Emailing for some questions is quite annoying imo.
Honestly, You should get a skype or something to get people to contact you, Or pm's on here,
Emailing for some questions is quite annoying imo.

You can send me PM's here it's fine but I am not always checking the site.
It might take a bit to respond.

Adding skype info to main post.

skype : Ashbringer2014
Just concluded a successful transaction for a twink.

We ran SWP and luckily for him Apoffis the Soul Render 2hander dropped which was mogged to the Corrupted Ashbringer and traded to him.

I am saved on SWP but on nothing else.

Tomorrow 06th March I will be available for the Alliance faction.

If interested email/PM/Skype me for details.
Interesting, people told me the xmog bug dosent work anymore and even a guy with ashbringer confirmed this.
gratz it worked for you
It does work.
There are just a few conditions that need to be met and those can be managed.

I have the CA on my pala and I was able to transmog it on my DK on the same bnet as well (but diff realm).
Completely legit, just got this done 1 hour ago.

Check out SS,

was sceptical but best $150 spent ever.

check out Corrupted Ashbringer - Item - World of Warcraft - FUCKING KICKASS.

Know Your Lore: The Ashbringer



Hey All!

I can transmog the below weapons that are no longer obtainable in game.

1. Corrupted Ashbringer
2. Horseman's Blade
3. Rhok'delar, Long Bow of the Ancient Keepers
4. Lok'delar, Stave of the Ancient Keepers
5. Enamelled Disc of Mojo

I can do it for either faction, any realm, there could be a wait time in case I need to transfer realms or shift factions.

For more info please contact me at

Skype : Ashbringer2014

Or leave me a PM here!
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the people who got this done don't have 50 posts between them.... and frankly i don't believe anyone stupid enough to pay $150, could own a $150...
Well I did not ask anyone to post about my sell rates or I would post it myself.

I have different prices some very cheap some not.
This buyer got it done dw for his Warrior, his DK and his 60 twink.

If you are not interested in the transmog why are you even writing on my post...I don't understand!?
Looking for a TI Legend/ Veteran/ MVP to do a free mog on.
So I can get a vouch from someone with more than 50 posts...since posts matter.
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Looking for a TI Legend/ Veteran/ MVP to do a free mog on.
So I can get a vouch from someone with more than 50 posts...since posts matter.
Ill vouch for you if you can do it for me, I have multiple reps here in the trade section.
Greetings All,

I wanted to make a repost on charges for my Transmogrification runs of the Corrupted Ashbringer. Corrupted Ashbringer - Item - World of Warcraft

There have been too many questions asked and too many unreasonable requests made – let me try and solve all of it with one post.

Please read through if you are interested in the run, or simply hit the “back” button if you accidentally came here.

The Corrupted Ashbringer Transmogrification Run

This involves my level 80 character (soon level 90) which has the Corrupted Ashbringer grouping with your character at minimum level 60 for a dungeon/raid together to transmogrify a weapon drop to give it the appearance of the Corrupted Ashbringer.

The Corrupted Ashbringer was obtainable from Naxxramas – 40, it is no longer obtainable but if you had it then you still have it, it has not been removed from game.

This weapon is one of the rarest weapons ever made in game. There is a lot of lore behind it and even websites and countless videos made about it on the internet. If you have heard about it and always wanted it – well you can’t have it now, maybe at some later stage in game if they decide to bring it back you might. For now I offer a transmog of the weapon to make you stand out in a crowd, be stared at in game and be a victim of countless whispers.

The Run :-

Level 90

For a level 90 I can run HC dungeons (90) and transmogrify a 2hander weapon that drops for example : Warmace of Taran Zhu Warmace of Taran Zhu - Item - World of Warcraft

TOT/MGV/HOF can be done cross realm and if you can take me on one of these raids and a weapon drops which I can loot, it can be transmogrified for you as well.

SOO is still not possible to do x-realm and the transmogrification only works when the players are from different realms. In other words there is no way I can transmogrify the BIS level 90 weapon for you.

Preferred method for a level 90 is to run through a level 70/80 normal dungeon and transmogrify a blue weapon drop from there as it’s faster. I can do the HC dungeon also, though it takes time but the weapon would be appropriate for your current level albeit still a “blue”.

Lower than level 90 and not a twink

I will do same as above on a dungeon appropriate for you.


My favorite people in the WOW community!

Twinks have BIS top to bottom.

They grind hours and hours for their gear, farm for BOE world drops, spend thousands of gold in the AH. Put in more effort than most level 90 PVE raiders.

A twink is pimped out top to bottom and to wield a weapon that is transmogrified to look like the Corrupted Ashbringer just seals the deal.

I can do any raid 60/70/80 for a weapon of your choice (you may need to set up a raid). I will entertain requests in the order I receive and I might have lockouts on some raids, so you might need to wait your turn.

The prices

These are my prices; if you do not like them simply don’t buy the run. I am not forcing you or begging you.

I do not want your ideas or thoughts on how my prices should be, I am happy with few customers, it retains the uniqueness of the weapon.

All payments are only through Paypal.
I can accept an equivalent of the amount as Blizzard in game pet/mount, TCG pet/mount instead of cash.

Level 90 – 30$ for low level dungeon weapon, 50$ for HC dungeon (90)weapon.

Less than 90 – 30$ for a low level dungeon weapon, 50$-75$ for a raid weapon of your level (depends if I have multiple requests for your level weapon and I’m going to get saved on a raid where I could have sold a run for a twink).

Twinks – 30$ for a low level dungeon weapon, 75$-100$ for a BIS weapon (negotiable, depends on how many requests I have for the same weapon and to prioritize your run). Most sought after weapon is Apolyon, the Soul-Render from SWP.

I am currently not level 90, but will be in a matter of days.
For now, I can offer transmogrification only on a low level dungeon weapon for level 90s.

Currently I offer runs only for Alliance on EU. I will faction change to horde on Wednesday 12th March.

I will first do a trial run and then the actual run so we keep it nice and safe.

Payment can be made after the trial run but always before the actual trade is made!

Contact info :-

Skype - rajrox00
E-mail -

PS: I have found a TI Veteran to do a mog run for and he will be posting about my run this Wednesday for all you skeptics out there!

I thank all the people who contacted me and bought my runs! I hope you are enjoying the transmogrified look of your character.

This run is only provided on EU realms!!!
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Siege of Orgrimaar is now possible X-realm on US servers and shortly on EU.
Can Xmog the Ashbringer on your BIS weapon now!
Looking for a TI Legend/ Veteran/ MVP to do a free mog on.
So I can get a vouch from someone with more than 50 posts...since posts matter.

I wish this was US! I just got Heroic Warforged Gar'tok, Strength of the Faithful last night. I would have gladly vouched for you if it worked and tipped you as well since you were offering it for free.
Can I pay you in 20k gold? Or is that very unreasonable to ask.. I'll even pay for server change after the run! I really want this wep mog xD

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