cool story bro

Lawlpurge said:
Implying I don't push the vegan thing to get TWO FUCKING PAGES of butthurt from you guys?

This is my face when reading you kids raging for two pages


Are you implying that you are retarded?
Lawlpurge said:
Is it warm under that rock? This is Ray Liotta's famous laugh, from Goodfellas.

I love how this is coincidence. The guy who starts all the raging then ask why everyone is raging.

You know, nothing would have happened if you didn't randomly rage on me. Anyway
Lawlpurge said:
Then cut out the your stupid little circlejerk with that faggot Falkor in every thread I post in.

LoL i love you you make a fucking retard feel cool bro you know that?

P.s. maybe ill put your sister next to you so she can get some friends?
Lawlpurge said:
Then cut out* your stupid little circlejerk with that faggot Falkor in every thread I post in.

ex-squeeze me? baking powder? you're in my threads little boy.

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